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Economic Research

EconSouth masthead 3Q 2012 Cover image Current issue PDF icon
Volume 14, Number 3
Third Quarter 2012
indicators Wanted: Jobs 2.0 in the Rural Southeast
Jobs and income in rural communities have lagged those in cities for many years. As manufacturing jobs have diminished over the decades, small towns and rural areas face a growing challenge to remain economically healthy. How can rural communities position themselves for revitalization and job growth?
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Latin America Secured Transaction Reform: Moving Ahead with Movable Assets
For developing countries, secured transaction reform holds the promise of cheaper and more widely available credit for small businesses. Although an infrastructure for small-business lending is common in developed economies, such a system would represent a major milestone for developing economies.
Summary | Article PDF logo | Español PDF logo | Português PDF logo

Podcast logo Podcast (English MP3 15:36)
Podcast logo Podcast (Español MP3 13:45)
construction Does the Return of the Cranes Signal a Housing Revival in South Florida?
In Florida, construction cranes used to be as ubiquitous as orange groves, but the housing sector's swoon made the cranes an endangered species. Now, however, they're becoming easier to spot, suggesting that the Sunshine State's beleaguered housing market is gaining health.
Summary | Article PDF logo
economic indicators chart Part Chart, Part Science: The Evolution of Economic Indicators
Just as the economy has evolved over many decades, so too have the ways economic activity is measured. What was once perhaps a key metric might now be only a marginally useful vestige in an economist's toolbox.
Summary | Article PDF logo

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