U.S. Department of Commerce

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Third Party Websites & Applications

The Census Bureau has a presence on several social media/Web 2.0 platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Flickr) and clearly contain the Census Bureau's official logo. Each of these web sites provides visitors with a unique way to communicate with the agency. Some may allow visitors to log in, create profiles and save information in those profiles. We do not collect any personally identifiable information about you through your use of these social media/Web 2.0 platforms. We may collect non-identifying information, such as city, state, and zip code of visitors to these web sites for statistical, research, and promotional purposes only. Further, the Census Bureau has no control over the third-party's use of this information and is not liable regarding the third-party's safeguarding your information. These web sites have their own privacy, security and accessibility policies.

The Census Bureau will from time-to-time use a third-party web site or application (hosted service) to conduct customer satisfaction surveys and/or feedback forms. These surveys and/or feedback forms do not collect personally identifiable information. The results from these surveys or forms are used to conduct primary research into the quality of the Census Bureau programs and products. The results collected will be used strictly for internal program management purposes to assess staff work, material design and development and to enhance planning efforts for current and future surveys and censuses.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Privacy Office | Last Revised: September 27, 2012