U.S. Department of Commerce

2012 Boundary and Annexation Survey Forms

The 2012 BAS Forms are created for the following geographic entities: counties or county equivalents, minor civil divisions (MCDs), places, consolidated cities, and American Indian areas/Alaska Native areas (AIAs).  

The naming convention for all entities is as follows:

  • Advance Response Forms:  <Entity Name>_<BAS Code>_BAS12AR.pdf
  • 2012 BAS Forms:  <Entity Name>_<BAS Code>_BAS12.pdf

For a complete list of BAS Codes, please see our BAS Codes page.

NOTE:  The 2012 BAS Forms are stored in a secure directory which requires a user name and password to access the forms. To request a user name and password, please email geo.bas@census.gov.

Please select American Indian Areas or the state your entity is in to access the directory containing the BAS forms:
American Indian Areas Idaho Montana South Carolina
  Illinois Nebraska South Dakota
Alabama Indiana Nevada Tennessee
Alaska Iowa New Hampshire Texas
Arizona Kansas New Jersey Utah
Arkansas Kentucky New Mexico Vermont
California Louisiana New York Virginia
Colorado Maine North Carolina Washington
Connecticut Maryland North Dakota West Virginia
Delaware Massachusetts Ohio Wisconsin
District Of Columbia Michigan Oklahoma Wyoming
Florida Minnesota Oregon  
Georgia Mississippi Pennsylvania  
Hawaii Missouri Rhode Island  

[PDF] or PDF denotes a file in Adobe’s Portable Document Format. To view the file, you will need the Adobe® Reader® Off Site available free from Adobe.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Geography Division
Geographic Areas Branch
Created: November 1, 2011
Last Revised: November 29, 2011