U.S. Department of Commerce

Computer and Internet Use

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Computer and Internet Use in the United States: October 2007

Table 1. Reported Internet Usage for Households, by Selected Householder Characteristics: 2007 [XLS - 11K] [CSV - 11K]

Table 2. Reported Internet Usage for Individuals 3 Years and Older, by Selected Characteristics: 2007 [XLS - 11K] [CSV - 11K]

Table 3. Reported Internet Usage for Individuals 3 Years and Older, by State: 2007 [XLS - 11K] [CSV - 11K]

Table 4. Reported Computer and Internet Access for Individuals 15 Years and Older, by Selected Characteristics: 2005 [XLS - 11K] [CSV - 11K]

Table 5. Reported Internet Access and Activity, For Individuals 15 Years and Older Who Use the Internet, by Selected Characteristics: 2005 [XLS - 11K] [CSV - 11K]

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Computer and Internet Use |  Last Revised: 2012-05-22T13:29:01.675-04:00