U.S. Department of Commerce

Charlotte Region

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American FactFinder - Your source for information and data about:

Census Information Center Program - A cooperative program between the Census Bureau and 57 non profit organizations that make census information and data available to the public and communities they serve.

Census Products - Descriptions and prices for Census Bureau Data Products.

City Population Estimates - How many people are in your city

Current U.S. and World Population - Get up-to-date U.S. and world population estimates through U.S. POPClock.

Federal Statistics - Official statistical information available to the public from the federal government. Obtain information on economic and population trends, health care costs, aviation safety, foreign trade, energy use, farm production, and more.

State Facts for Students - Learn about the U.S. Census, get facts about your state, and have fun with quiz questions.

Map Products - Access maps for various Census geographic areas including Congressional Districts, Metro Areas, Census Tracts and Blocks.

Minority Links for Media - Quick and easy links to the latest data on racial and ethnic populations in the United States.

Search for Census Records - The Census Bureau provides an "age search" service to the public. We will search the confidential records from the Federal population censuses of 1910 to 2000 and issue an official transcript of the results (for a congressionally mandated fee).

State and County Quickfacts - Provides frequently requested Census Bureau information at the national, state, and county levels.

State and County Income and Poverty Estimates - Economic data for an area

State Data Centers - Find the agency in your state that can provide assistance in accessing local data

State Population Estimates - How many people in your state


Help data users to:

  • decide what data will best serve their needs
  • understand the data
  • choose which format to use

Get Facts for Your Community

Educate users by:

  • making presentations
  • conducting workshops
  • staffing exhibits

We also provide technical assistance to users of Census Bureau data, including help on Internet access to our Web site.

Our Reference Center

Effective 1 January 2013, Charlotte is one of six regions closing under the new Field Realignment. The Charlotte Regional Office has begun the transition and their reference center is no longer in operation. States serviced by the Charlotte Region were reassigned to the Atlanta and Philadelphia regions respectively as shown on Map of New Regional Office Structure [PDF 632k]. Any data requests or inquiries received for those states will be forwarded accordingly.

For assistance with data requests, please contact the new servicing region for your state.

North Carolina, South Carolina
Atlanta Regional Office

Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia
Philadelphia Regional Office

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Partnership and Data Services Branch | fld.pds.web.support@census.gov | Last Revised: August 17, 2012