Travel Diary: Women as Drivers of Growth and Social Inclusion

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / October 16, 2012

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, left, Peru's President Ollanta Humala, center, and Michelle Bachelet, Chile's former president and U.N. Women executive director, pose for photos at the opening of a conference on women's empowerment in Lima, Peru, Oct. 16, 2012. [AP Photo]

More: Trip Page | Interactive Travel Map

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled to Lima, Peru, on October 15 and 16. In Peru, she met with Peruvian President Ollanta Humala to discuss bilateral and regional cooperation. After her meeting with the President, Secretary Clinton said:

"...The United States and Peru work together on many shared challenges and priorities. We are working together to promote citizen security and to work against the drug traffickers. We are working to support you in your ongoing efforts against the terrorists who have for too long brought violence to too many people throughout… more »

Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Visits Peru

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / October 15, 2012

Secretary Clinton boards plane in Beirut, Lebanon, April 26, 2009. [State Department Photo]

More: Trip Page | Interactive Travel Map | Background Briefing Prior to the Secretary's Visit to Lima

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will travel to Lima, Peru, on October 15 and 16. In Peru, she will meet with Peruvian President Ollanta Humala to discuss bilateral and regional cooperation. She will also participate in an international conference on women's financial inclusion -- Power: Women as Drivers of Growth and Social Inclusion -- at which she will deliver remarks to the plenary.

Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer… more »

Conversations With America: Promoting Disability Rights

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / October 09, 2012

Image for Conversations With America: Promoting Disability Rights webcast, October 16, 2012. [State Department image/ Public Domain]

Judith Heumann, Special Advisor for International Disability Rights, will hold a conversation with Ann Cody, Director of Policy and Global Outreach for BlazeSports America, and Kirk Bauer, Executive Director of Disabled Sports USA, on "Promoting Disability Rights." The discussion will be moderated by Cheryl Benton, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, and will be available for on demand viewing soon on DipNote, the Department of State's official blog.

This program will focus on opportunities to elevate and address the… more »

Behind the Scenes at UNGA: Focus on the Near East

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / September 30, 2012

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and officials from the State Department and other U.S. government agencies are attending meetings at the 67th meeting of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York from September 23 to October 1, 2012. Through a series of "Inside the State Department" videos, senior officials are providing perspectives on the events of the week.

On Friday, September 28, while in New York, Secretary Clinton hosted a G8 Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in Transition Foreign Ministers Meeting and the Ad Hoc Friends of the Syrian People Ministerial. In the video above, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer, State Department Director of Policy Planning Jake Sullivan, and State Department Spokesperson… more »

Behind the Scenes at UNGA: Focus on the Western Hemisphere

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / September 30, 2012

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and officials from the State Department and other U.S. government agencies are attending meetings at the 67th meeting of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York from September 23 to October 1, 2012. Through a series of "Inside the State Department" videos, senior officials are providing perspectives on the events of the week.

On Thursday, September 27, while in New York, Secretary Clinton and senior U.S. government officials participated in a series of events focused on the Western Hemisphere. In the video above, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Roberta S. Jacobson speaks about the Secretary's participation in the Connecting the Americas… more »

Op-Ed: ‘Saving More Lives Than Ever’

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / September 27, 2012

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks with participants of the Lower Mekong Initiative Women's event in Siem Reap, Cambodia, on July 13, 2012. [State Department photo by Paul Watzlavick/ Public Domain]

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton wrote an opinion piece that appeared today on Global, Health, and Diplomacy. The text of the article follows below.

America and our partners have more than doubled the number of people who get AIDS drugs. We'll soon cut maternal mortality by a quarter. How? The answer may surprise you.

When I became Secretary of State, I asked our diplomats and development experts: "How can we do better?" I could see our strengths, including tens of thousands of public servants who get up every day thinking about how to advance America's interests and promote our values around the world. At the same time,… more »

Behind the Scenes at UNGA: Focus on Africa

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / September 27, 2012

This week, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and officials from the State Department and other U.S. government agencies are attending meetings at the 67th meeting of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York.

On Wednesday, September 26, Secretary Clinton and senior U.S. government officials participated in the UNAIDS Shared Responsibility event; the UN Secretary-General Meeting on the Sahel; and the UN Secretary-General Meeting on Somalia. Secretary Clinton represented the United States at the UN Security Council Session on Middle East Peace and Security and continued to hold bilateral meetings throughout the day. A list of Secretary Clinton's meetings can be found on the Department of State's public schedule.

Watch the above video to hear USAID Administrator… more »

President Obama Delivers Remarks at the United Nations General Assembly

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / September 25, 2012

President Barack Obama addresses the 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, New York on September 25, 2012. [AP Photo]

On September 25, 2012, President Barack Obama delivered remarks to the United Nations General Assembly. President Obama said:

"I would like to begin today by telling you about an American named Chris Stevens.

"Chris was born in a town called Grass Valley, California, the son of a lawyer and a musician. As a young man, Chris joined the Peace Corps, and taught English in Morocco. And he came to love and respect the people of North Africa and the Middle East. He would carry that commitment throughout his life. As a diplomat, he worked from Egypt to Syria, from Saudi Arabia to Libya. He was known for walking the streets of the cities where he worked -- tasting the local food, meeting as many people as he could, speaking Arabic, listening with a broad smile.

"Chris went to Benghazi in the early days of the Libyan revolution, arriving on a cargo… more »

President Obama’s Rosh Hashanah Greeting

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / September 17, 2012

At sundown on September 16, the Jewish community in the United States and all over the world celebrated the start of the new year. In honor of the occasion, President Barack Obama extended warmest wishes to all those celebrating and delivered a video message, in which he said:

"..Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are also opportunities for reflection. They represent a chance to take stock of our lives and look forward to the coming year with clear eyes and renewed purpose.

"In that spirit, the Jewish Tradition teaches us that one of the most important duties we have during this period is the act of reconciliation. We're called… more »

Honoring Those Lost in Attacks in Libya

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / September 14, 2012

President Barack Obama and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton honor those lost in attacks in Benghazi, Libya at the Transfer of Remains Ceremony held at Andrews Air Force Base, Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, September 14, 2012. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

On September 14, 2012, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered remarks at the Transfer of Remains Ceremony to honor those lost in attacks in Benghazi, Libya. Secretary Clinton began her remarks by saying, "...Today we bring home four Americans who gave their lives for our country and our values. To the families of our fallen colleagues, I offer our most heartfelt condolences and deepest gratitude."

President Obama remembered the four men, and said:

"Glen Doherty never shied from adventure. He believed that, in his life, he could make a difference -- a calling he fulfilled as a Navy SEAL. He served with distinction in Iraq and worked in Afghanistan. And there, in Benghazi, as he tended to others, he laid down his life, loyal as always,… more »

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