U.S. Department of Commerce

2010 Census Urban Area Thematic Maps

This series of page-size maps relate to the urban areas in the United States and Puerto Rico defined as a result of the 2010 Census. The Census Bureau identifies two types of urban areas: "urbanized areas" of 50,000 or more people and "urban clusters" of at least 2,500 and less than 50,000 people. For more information about the Census Bureau's Urban-Rural Classification, including the criteria used to delineate urban areas, lists of urbanized areas and urban clusters, and files providing relationships with other geographic areas refer to the 2010 Census Urban and Rural Classification and Urban Area Criteria webpage.

Thumbnail image of the Urbanized Areas and Urban Clusters: 2010 map

Urbanized Areas and Urban Clusters: 2010
This map shows the distribution of urban areas in the United States and Puerto Rico. Urbanized areas are shown as silhouettes, representing their actual area, and urban clusters are shown as point symbols.

Thumbnail image of the Percent Population Residing in Urban Areas by County: 2010 map

Percent Population Residing in Urban Areas by County: 2010
This choropleth map shows the percent of the total population in each county or county equivalent that reside in either urbanized areas or urban clusters.

Thumbnail image of the Percent Population Residing in Urbanized Areas by County: 2010 map

Percent Population Residing in Urbanized Areas by County: 2010
This choropleth map shows the percent of the total population in each county or county equivalent that reside in urbanized areas.

Thumbnail image of the Ten Most Populous Urbanized Areas: 2010 map

Ten Most Populous Urbanized Areas: 2010
This map identifies the 10 most populous urbanized areas based on the results of the 2010 Census.

Thumbnail image of the New Urbanized Areas: 2010 map

New Urbanized Areas: 2010
This map shows the 36 new urbanized areas identified based on the results of the 2010 Census.

Downloading Instructions

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