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:: News Releases and New Documents

arrow News Release: Sec. 337 Institution -- Integrated Circuit Chips [10/18/2012]
arrow News Release: Sec. 337 Institution -- Devices with Secure Communication Capabilities [10/16/2012]
arrow News Release: Sec. 337 Institution -- Reduced Folate Nutraceutical Products [10/12/2012]
arrow Commission Vote: Five-Year (Sunset) Reviews -- Silicomanganese from Brazil, China, and Ukraine [10/11/2012]
arrow Commission Vote: Adequacy Determination -- Steel Concrete Reinforcing Bar from 7 Countries [10/9/2012]
arrow Commission Vote: Adequacy Determination -- Honey from China [10/5/2012]
arrow News Release: Gen. Factfinding Inv. -- Olive Oil [10/1/2012]
arrow News Release: Gen. Factfinding Report -- Andean Trade Preferences Act Impact on U.S. Industries and Consumers, 2011 [9/28/2012]