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Tilt maps, epicenter and HAZUS critical infrastructure information from E-DECIDER

October 18, 2012

JPL Scientists Participate in ShakeOut Exercises

Two JPL-developed projects designed to assist in response to earthquake disasters participated in exercises tied to today's Great California ShakeOut quake drill.

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Curiosity's First Three Bites Into Martian Ground

October 18, 2012

Mars Soil Sample Delivered for Analysis Inside Rover

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has ingested its first solid sample into an analytical instrument inside the rover, a capability at the core of the two-year mission.

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In September 1997, powerful Hurricane Linda, shown in this NASA rendering created with data from the NOAA GOES-9 satellite

October 17, 2012

Could a Hurricane Ever Strike Southern California?

California has its share of disasters, like earthquakes, fires and floods. But what are the odds a hurricane could ever strike here? Turns out the concept isn't exactly all wet.

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Global Upheaval at Jupiter

October 17, 2012

Jupiter: Turmoil from Below, Battering from Above

NASA scientists are observing Jupiter's appearance - its clouds, belts, hotspots, fireballs - change in unprecedented ways.

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This artist's concept features NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover

October 16, 2012

NASA to Host Mars Curiosity Rover Teleconference Oct. 18

NASA will host a media teleconference at noon PDT (3 p.m. EDT) on Thursday, Oct. 18, about the latest status of the Curiosity rover's mission to Mars.

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NASA's Cassini spacecraft obtained this image of a feature shaped like a hot cross bun in the northern region of Titan (left) that bears a striking resemblance to a similar feature on Venus (right).

October 16, 2012

What's Baking on Titan?

NASA's Cassini spacecraft spots curious surface features on Saturn's largest moon, including a "hot-cross bun" and outlines of vast southern seas.

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This illustrated timeline features milestones in the journey of NASA's Cassini spacecraft. Scroll up to launch Cassini's voyage.

October 15, 2012

A Long and Winding Road: Cassini Celebrates 15 Years

It's been 3.8 billion miles and a trunk full of memories for NASA's Cassini spacecraft, launched 15 years ago today.

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Artist's concept of a four-star planet

October 15, 2012

Citizens Discover Four-Star Planet with NASA's Kepler

A joint effort of amateur astronomers and scientists has led to the first reported case of a planet orbiting a double star, orbited itself by a second distant pair of stars.

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Bright Particle of Martian Origin in Scoop Hole

October 15, 2012

Rover's Second Scoop Discarded, Third Scoop Commanded

Commands will be sent to Curiosity today instructing the rover to collect a third scoop of soil from the "Rocknest" site of windblown Martian sand and dust.

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Trojan Colors Revealed (Artist's Concept)

October 15, 2012

NASA's WISE Colors in Unknowns on Jupiter Asteroids

Observations from NASA's WISE all-sky survey reveal new clues about Jovian Trojans, mysterious asteroids that orbit in front of and behind Jupiter in its path around the sun.

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