NIST Advanced Technology Program
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ATP Headquarters ATP Headquarters Chemistry and Life Sciences Office (CLSO) Information Technology and Electronics Office (ITEO) Economic Assessment Office Economic Assessment Office Chemistry and Life Sciences Office (CLSO)

[descriptive link]
ATP Organization

The ATP has grouped its R&D projects into two major activities, as described below.

  • Chemistry and life sciences:
    chemical processing, fuel, bulk processing, composites, agriculture, condition-based maintenance, industrial physics, industrial and manufacturing controls, industrial biotechnology, catalysis, membrane technologies, tissue engineering, gene therapy, DNA diagnostics, tissue culture, proteomics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, immunology, cytokines, immunodiagnostics/laboratory medicine, diagnostic instrumentation, therapeutics, drug discovery technologies, drug delivery, inflammation, and bone and joint diseases.
  • Information technology and electronics:
    electronic commerce, advanced learning systems, information systems for healthcare, micro- and nanosystems technology, virtual reality, bioinformatics, biometrics and physical security,intelligent manufacturing, photonics manufacturing, microelectronics manufacturing infrastructure, supporting technologies for lithography, advanced wireless communications, and organic electronics.

In addition, ATP has an evaluation office, as described below.

  • The Economic Assessment Office (EAO)
    To assess whether ATP is meeting its mission, EAO employs statistical analyses, case study, econometric, survey and other methodological approaches to measure program effectiveness by evaluating the success of individual, clusters, and the portfolio of ATP projects in terms of inputs (the funding and staff necessary to move the R&D effort forward); outputs (project research results); outcomes (new products, processes, and services resulting from the innovation); and impacts (longer-run impacts on industries, society, and the economy).
ATP Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee provides advice on ATP programs, plans, and policies; reviews ATP's efforts to assess the economic impact of the program; reports on the general health of the program and its effectiveness in achieving its legislatively mandated mission; and functions solely as an advisory body, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act.

Date Created: April 2001
Last updated: October 17, 2005

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