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March 28, 2011


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"Our son is gone, but we will be his voice"


I am grateful to DOT and the Faces of Distracted Driving series you continue to post. After reading and watching these videos my daughter (9 yrs old) and I have vowed to never pick up my cell phone while driving. These videos devastated me - the loss of the individual and the pain these families and friends are experiencing should never have happened. I have lost friends to drunk drivers and vowed to never drink and drive. Thanks to you I see more clearly the importance of not using a cell phone while driving. Thank you! It truly is easy now to not even touch it while driving. No phone call is that important - ever. My thoughts are with these families.

I don't agree with a lot of "laws" but I must say please don't text while driving! I think the fines should actually be higher with this law. People get killed because you can't wait to update facebook? Really?

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Eric. Recently, in our city a bicyclist was killed by a car that went off the road, jumped an enbankment and landed on the bike path. I don't know if the motorist was distracted, drunk or what, but it just doesn't seem like a mechanical malfunction could have caused such an incident.
I think that the penalty for distracted driving does need to be higher. It's been proven to be more dangerous than drunk driving.

People get killed because you can't wait to update facebook? Really?thanks

This is the big tragedy for Eilene and Bob. But dont worry Eilene and Bob we and our sympathies are always with you.

What happened to the texting teen ?

Was she charged for this reckless behavior ?

There must be consecuences.

I don't know if the motorist was distracted, drunk or what, but it just doesn't seem like a mechanical malfunction could have caused such an incident.thanks.

I am so sorry for your loss Bob and Eilene Okerblom. I'm asking angels to wrap their wings around you and your family to help you with your journey of loss & grieving and also to the family & girl who caused this horrific accident. Bob cycling across state in memory of your son - I hope the pain of loosing him will soften with time. [If you are having a hard time of it - with coping with the loss of your son - perhaps this man who teaches eft - emotional freedom technique may be able to help. www.fastereft.com may help.]

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