
Welcome to the Texas Census Research Data Center (TXCRDC)

The TXCRDC came into existence with a National Science Foundation funding award in August 2011 and our secure computing lab gained official approval and became operational in September 2012! Working in close collaboration with the U.S. Census Bureau, the TXCRDC provides researchers in the State of Texas and beyond access to non-public versions of datasets in the federal statistical system. Qualified researchers who gain project approval to use the secure lab can conduct basic science research and research to improve the effectiveness of the federal statistical system. A partial list of available datasets includes, non-public versions of: US Decennial censuses and demographic surveys; Economic censuses and surveys; and Health data from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). See Datasets Available in Census Research Data Centers for further details. Please contact our staff to inquire about specific datasets and related issues.

Interested in Conducting RDC-Based Research? If you are seeking information about publicly available census data for Texas or the nation, please visit the Texas State Data Center and/or see the Helpful links page of this site. The Texas Census Research Data Center has a different mission; it exists to support researchers who are using non-public data in the federal statistical system.

The TXCRDC Consortium

The TXCRDC is supported by a multi-university consortium involving Texas A&M University, the Texas A&M University System, Baylor University, and the University of Texas at Austin. Researchers at TXCRDC Consortium institutions have particularly attractive access to the RDC. The consortium welcomes other institutions to join and also welcomes researchers at non-consortium institutions to inquire about opportunities for access. Further information about the consortium and access can be found at TXCRDC Consortium and Access.

Please be aware that all RDC projects require special review and approval by the Center for Economic Studies (CES), the Division with the US Census Bureau that oversees the national network of Census Research Data Centers. Contact our staff for information about the approval process approval process.