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Job Openings for Economists (JOE)

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Job Openings for Economists (JOE)

JOE is provided by the American Economic Association. JOE is updated near the first of every month except January and July. The deadline for employers to submit listings is the 15th of the month preceding the update on the 1st of the month. Late listing submission (from the 16th through 22nd of each month) for an additional charge. See below for details.

JOE Email Notification Alert -- Receive an email notification when a new issue of JOE is available online!

Recent Listings:

Employers: Submit JOE listings online!

Disclosure Codes: Disclosure Code Information


The American Economic Association does not endorse any form of discrimination in hiring economists. For details about relevant Association policy, see “About JOE.”


The deadline to submit listings is the 15th of the month preceding the update on the 1st of the month. This is a firm deadline. However, we are now able to offer late listings from the 16th through the 22nd of the month preceding the update for an additional charge (see below). No listings past the 22nd can be accepted.

Charges for Listings (Per Month, 15th or prior)

  • 200 words or less - $300.00
  • Additional increments of 200 words - $300.00 each

Charges for Late Listing Submission (Per Month, 16th-22nd)

  • 200 words or less - $600.00
  • Additional increments of 200 words - $600.00 each

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The European Economic Association also lists employment opportunities for economists.

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