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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System


All Regulations

A 12 CFR 201
Extensions of Credit by Federal Reserve Banks
Governs borrowing by depository institutions and others at the Federal Reserve discount window

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments

Proposed Amendments
To establish criteria for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to determine the eligibility of credit rating agencies and the ratings they issue for use in the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (comments due November 9, 2009).
Press release and notice
B 12 CFR 202
Equal Credit Opportunity
Prohibits lenders from discriminating against credit applicants, establishes guidelines for gathering and evaluating credit information, and requires written notification when credit is denied

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments

Proposed Amendments
To clarify that motor vehicle dealers are not required to comply with certain data collection requirements in the Dodd–Frank Act until final regulations are issued to implement the statutory requirements (comments due July 29, 2011)
Press release and notice
Proposed Amendments
To revise certain model notices to incorporate the new credit score disclosure requirements (comments due April 14, 2011)
Press release and notice
C 12 CFR 203
Home Mortgage Disclosure
Requires certain mortgage lenders to disclose data regarding their lending patterns

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments | Compliance guide

Proposed Amendments
Revises the rules for reporting price information on higher-priced loans, conforming to the definition of "higher-priced mortgage loan" adopted under Regulation Z (comments due August 29, 2008).
Press release and notice
D 12 CFR 204
Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions
Sets uniform requirements for all depository institutions to maintain reserve balances either with their Federal Reserve Bank or as cash

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments | Compliance guide

Proposed Amendments
To simplify the administration of reserve requirements
Press release and notice | Submit comments
To remove references to Regulation Q
Press release and notice
To enable the establishment of a term deposit facility through which Federal Reserve Banks would offer interest-bearing term deposits to eligible institutions (comments due February 1, 2010).
Press release and notice
To authorize the establishment of limited-purpose accounts, called excess balance accounts (EBAs), at Federal Reserve Banks for the maintenance of excess balances of eligible institutions (comments due March 2, 2009)
Press release and notice
To authorize member banks of the Federal Reserve System to enter into pass-through arrangements and eliminating the provision in the savings deposit definition limiting certain kinds of transfers from savings deposits (comments due March 28, 2008).
Press release and notice
E 12 CFR 205
Electronic Fund Transfers
Establishes the rights, liabilities, and responsibilities of parties in electronic funds transfers and protects consumers when they use such systems

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments | Compliance guide

Proposed Amendments
To create new protections for consumers who send remittance transfers to recipients in a foreign country
Press release and notice
To clarify certain aspects of the final rule limiting the ability of financial institutions to assess overdraft fees for paying ATM and one-time debit card transactions that overdraw a consumer's account (comments due March 31, 2010)
Press release and notice
To restrict the fees and expiration dates that may apply to certain prepaid products, primarily gift cards (comments due December 21, 2009)
Press release and notice
Limits the ability of a financial institution to assess an overdraft fee for paying automated teller machine (ATM) withdrawals and one-time debit card transactions that overdraw a consumer's account
Press release and notice
F 12 CFR 206
Limitations on Interbank Liabilities
Prescribes standards to limit the risks that the failure of a depository institution would pose to an insured depository institution

Regulation (GPO) | Compliance guide

G 12 CFR 207
Disclosure and Reporting of CRA-Related Agreements
Implements provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act that require reporting and public disclosure of written agreements between (1) insured depository institutions or their affiliates and (2) nongovernmental entities or persons, made in connection with fulfillment of Community Reinvestment Act requirements

Regulation (GPO)

Proposed Amendments
Request for comment on ways to reduce regulatory burden (comments due April 4, 2006)
H 12 CFR 208
Membership of State Banking Institutions in the Federal Reserve System
Defines the requirements for membership of state-chartered banks in the Federal Reserve System; sets limitations on certain investments and requirements for certain types of loans; describes rules pertaining to securities-related activities; establishes the minimum ratios of capital to assets that banks must maintain and procedures for prompt corrective action when banks are not adequately capitalized; prescribes real estate lending and appraisal standards; sets out requirements concerning bank security procedures, suspicious-activity reports, and compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act; and establishes rules governing banks' ownership or control of financial subsidiaries

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments | Compliance guide | Information security compliance guide

Proposed Amendments
To revise the minimum risk-based capital requirements and criteria for regulatory capital, as well as establish a capital conservation buffer framework, consistent with Basel III (comments due September 7, 2012)
Press release and notice | Submit comments | Extension of comment period (comments due October 22, 2012)
To amend an earlier notice of proposed rulemaking by providing alternatives for calculating specific risk capital requirements for debt and securitization positions that do not rely on credit ratings (comments due February 3, 2012)
Press release and notice | Submit comments
To revise the market risk capital rules to modify their scope, reduce procyclicality, enhance the sensitivity to certain risks, and increase transparency
Press release and notice
To revise the advanced risk-based capital adequacy standards and revise the general risk-based capital rules
Press release and notice
Interagency notice regarding alternatives to the use of credit ratings in the risk-based capital guidelines
Press release and notice
Interagency notice of a proposed regulatory capital rule related to the Financial Accounting Standards Board's adoption of Statements of Financial Accounting Standards Nos. 166 and 167
Press release and notice
Interagency notice of proposed amendments to implement the Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act
Press release and notice
Interagency notice of proposed risk-based capital rule amendments to permit banks, bank holding companies, and savings associations to assign a 10-percent risk weight to claims on, or guaranteed by, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac (comments due November 26, 2008)
Interagency notice of proposed amendments to permit banks, bank holding companies, and savings associations to reduce the amount of goodwill that a banking organization must deduct from tier 1 capital (comments due October 30, 2008)
Interagency notice of a proposed new risk-based capital framework, based on the standardized approach for credit risk and the basic indicator approach for operational risk described in the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's "International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: A Revised Framework."  (comments due October 27, 2008) 
Draft interagency notice of proposed rulemaking to revise the existing risk-based capital framework by giving the vast majority of banks, bank holding companies, and savings associations the option of either continuing to use the existing Basel I-based capital rule or adopting a more risk-sensitive rule, known as Basel IA.
Press release and notice
To revise the market-risk capital rule to enhance its risk sensitivity and introduce requirements for public disclosure of certain qualitative and quantitative information about the market risk of a bank or bank holding company (comments due January 23, 2007)
Press release | Notice (162 KB PDF)
Request for comment on ways to reduce burden of rules regarding prompt corrective action (comments due April 4, 2006)
To revise the existing risk-based capital framework to enhance its risk sensitivity (comments due January 18, 2006).
Press release and notice
To establish a simplified regulatory capital framework for noncomplex institutions (comments due February 1, 2001)
Press Release and notice
I 12 CFR 209
Issue and Cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank Capital Stock
Sets out stock-subscription requirements for all banks joining the Federal Reserve System

Regulation (GPO) | Compliance guide

Proposed Amendments
Request for comment on an amendment conforming Regulation I to proposed section 204.3(g) of Regulation D concerning depository institution location (comments due March 28, 2008)
Press release and notice
J 12 CFR 210
Collection of Checks and Other Items by Federal Reserve Banks and Funds Transfers through Fedwire
Establishes procedures, duties, and responsibilities among (1) Federal Reserve Banks, (2) the senders and payors of checks and other items, and (3) the senders and recipients of Fedwire funds transfers

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments | Compliance guide

Proposed Amendments
To eliminate references to "as-of adjustments" and provide other clarifications
Press release and notice | Submit comments
K 12 CFR 211
International Banking Operations
Governs the international banking operations of U.S. banking organizations and the operations of foreign banks in the United States

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments | Order Delegating Authority (PDF)

L 12 CFR 212
Management Official Interlocks
Generally prohibits a management official from serving two nonaffiliated depository institutions, depository institution holding companies, or any combination thereof, in situations where the management interlock would likely have an anticompetitive effect

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments | Compliance guide

M 12 CFR 213
Consumer Leasing
Implements the consumer leasing provisions of the Truth in Lending Act by requiring meaningful disclosure of leasing terms

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments | Compliance guide

Proposed Amendments
To increase the threshold for exempt consumer leases and to adjust annually to reflect any increase in the Consumer Price Index
Press release and notice
N 12 CFR 214
Relations with Foreign Banks and Bankers
Governs relationships and transactions between Federal Reserve Banks and foreign banks, bankers, or governments

Regulation (GPO)

O 12 CFR 215
Loans to Executive Officers, Directors, and Principal Shareholders of Member Banks
Restricts credit that a member bank may extend to its executive officers, directors, and principal shareholders and their related interests

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments | Compliance guide

P 12 CFR 216
Privacy of Consumer Financial Information
Governs how financial institutions use nonpublic personal information about consumers

Regulation (GPO) | Compliance guide

Proposed Amendments
To adopt a model privacy form that financial institutions can use to provide consumers with the privacy notices required by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (comments due May 29, 2007)
Press release and notice
Request for comment on ways to improve the privacy notices financial institutions provide to consumers under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (comments due March 30, 2004)
Press release and notice
Q 12 CFR 217 (Proposed)
Capital Adequacy of Bank Holding Companies, Savings and Loan Holding Companies, and State Member Banks
Establishes minimum capital requirements and overall capital adequacy standards for Board-regulated institutions

Press release and notices | Submit Comments | Extension of comment period (comments due October 22, 2012)

R 12 CFR 218
Exceptions for Banks from the Definition of Broker in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Defines the scope of securities activities that banks may conduct without registering with the Securities Exchange Commission as a securities broker and implements the most important exceptions from the definition of the term broker for banks under section 3(a)(4) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Specifically, the regulation implements the statutory exceptions that allow a bank, subject to certain conditions, to continue to conduct securities transactions for its customers as part of its trust and fiduciary, custodial, and deposit "sweep" functions and to refer customers to a securities broker-dealer pursuant to a networking arrangement with the broker-dealer.

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments | Compliance Guide

S 12 CFR 219
Reimbursement to Financial Institutions for Providing Financial Records; Recordkeeping Requirements for Certain Financial Records
Establishes rates and conditions for reimbursement to financial institutions for providing customer records to a government authority and prescribes recordkeeping and reporting requirements for insured depository institutions making domestic wire transfers and for insured depository institutions and nonbank financial institutions making international wire transfers

Regulation (GPO)

Proposed Amendments
To implement the requirement that the Board establish rates and conditions under which payments are made by a government authority to a financial institution for assembling or providing financial records (comments due September 29, 2008).
To lower the dollar threshold in the rule requiring banks and nonbank financial institutions to collect, retain, and transmit information on transfers and transmittals of funds (comments due August 21, 2006)
Press release and notice
T 12 CFR 220
Credit by Brokers and Dealers
Governs extension of credit by securities brokers and dealers, including all members of national securities exchanges (See also Regulations U and X.)

Regulation (GPO)

Proposed Amendments
To clarify the treatment of stock futures held by customers at a security futures intermediary (comments due November 15, 2002)
Notice (106 KB PDF)

List of Foreign Margin Stocks

U 12 CFR 221
Credit by Banks and Persons other than Brokers or Dealers for the Purpose of Purchasing or Carrying Margin Stock
Governs extension of credit by banks or persons other than brokers or dealers to finance the purchase or the carrying of margin securities (See also Regulations T and X.)

Regulation (GPO) | Compliance guide

V 12 CFR 222
Fair Credit Reporting
Proposed rules to implement the notice and opt-out provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act applicable to financial institutions that give their affiliates certain information about consumers

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments

Agencies issue frequently asked questions on identity theft rules
Press release concerning Fair Credit Reporting Act and privacy notices

Proposed Amendments
To revise the content requirements for risk-based pricing notices and to add related model forms to reflect the new credit score disclosure requirements (comments due April 14, 2011)
Press release and notice
Advance notice of proposed rulemaking to identify possible additions to the information furnished to consumer reporting agencies (comments due August 31, 2009)
Press release and notice
Require a creditor to provide consumers a risk-based pricing notice when the creditor uses a consumer report to grant or extend credit to the consumer on terms materially less favorable than the most favorable terms normally offered (comments due August 18, 2008)
Press release and notice
Requests for Comment
On regulations and guidelines to help ensure the accuracy and integrity of information provided to consumer reporting agencies and to allow consumers to directly dispute inaccuracies with financial institutions and other entities that furnish information to consumer reporting agencies (comments due February 11, 2008)
Press release and notice
On an advance notice of proposed rulemaking on issues related to the accuracy of consumer credit reports and the reinvestigation of disputes (comments due May 22, 2006)
Press release and notice
On new regulation (comments due December 4, 2000)
Press release and notice
W 12 CFR 223
Transactions between Member Banks and Their Affiliates
Implements sections 23A and 23B of the Federal Reserve Act, which establish certain restrictions on and requirements for transactions between a member bank and its affiliates

Regulation (GPO) | Recent Amendments

Proposed Amendments
To prevent a depository institution from using an exemption in Regulation W for the purchase of extensions of credit from an affiliate if purchases made under the exemption exceeded 100 percent of the institution's capital
Notice (90 KB PDF)
X 12 CFR 224
Borrowers of Securities Credit
Applies the provisions of Regulations T and U to borrowers who are subject to U.S. laws and who obtain credit within or outside the United States for the purpose of purchasing securities

Regulation (GPO) | Compliance guide

Y 12 CFR 225
Bank Holding Companies and Change in Bank Control
Regulates the acquisition of control of banks and bank holding companies by companies and individuals, defines and regulates the nonbanking activities in which bank holding companies (including financial holding companies) and foreign banking organizations with United States operations may engage, and establishes the minimum ratios of capital to assets that bank holding companies must maintain

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments | | Order Delegating Authority (PDF) | Information security compliance guide

Proposed Amendments
To revise the minimum risk-based capital requirements and criteria for regulatory capital, as well as establish a capital conservation buffer framework, consistent with Basel III (comments due September 7, 2012)
Press release and notice | Submit comments | Extension of comment period (comments due October 22, 2012)
To supplement a previous notice of proposed rulemaking (76 FR 7731 (PDF)) by clarifying the requirements for determining whether a company is "predominantly engaged in financial activities" (comments due May 25, 2012)
Press release and notice | Correction (PDF)
To amend an earlier notice of proposed rulemaking by providing alternatives for calculating specific risk capital requirements for debt and securitization positions that do not rely on credit ratings (comments due February 3, 2012)
Press release and notice | Submit comments
To require large bank holding companies to submit annual capital plans for review (comments due August 5, 2011)
Press release and notice
To require large, systemically significant bank holding companies and nonbank financial companies to submit annual resolution plans and quarterly credit exposure reports (comments due June 10, 2011)
Press release and notice
To designate systemically important nonbank financial companies for consolidated supervision by the Board (comments due March 30, 2011)
Press release and notice
To revise the market risk capital rules to modify their scope, reduce procyclicality, enhance the sensitivity to certain risks, and increase transparency
Press release and notice
To revise the advanced risk-based capital adequacy standards and revise the general risk-based capital rules
Press release and notice
To implement provisions of the Dodd–Frank Act that give entities a defined period of time to conform their activities and investments to the "Volcker Rule"
Press release and notice
Interagency notice regarding alternatives to the use of credit ratings in the risk-based capital guidelines
Press release and notice
Interagency notice of a proposed regulatory capital rule related to the Financial Accounting Standards Board's adoption of Statements of Financial Accounting Standards Nos. 166 and 167
Press release and notice
Interagency notice of proposed risk-based capital rule amendments to permit banks, bank holding companies, and savings associations to assign a 10-percent risk weight to claims on, or guaranteed by, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac (comments due November 26, 2008)
Interagency notice of proposed amendments to permit banks, bank holding companies, and savings associations to reduce the amount of goodwill that a banking organization must deduct from tier 1 capital (comments due October 30, 2008)
Interagency notice of a proposed new risk-based capital framework, based on the standardized approach for credit risk and the basic indicator approach for operational risk described in the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's "International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: A Revised Framework." (comments due October 27, 2008)
Draft interagency notice of proposed rulemaking to revise the existing risk-based capital framework by giving the vast majority of banks, bank holding companies, and savings associations the option of either continuing to use the existing Basel I-based capital rule or adopting a more risk-sensitive rule, known as Basel IA.
Press release and notice 
To revise the market-risk capital rule to enhance its risk sensitivity and introduce requirements for public disclosure of certain qualitative and quantitative information about the market risk of a bank or bank holding company (comments due January 23, 2007)
Press release | Notice (162 KB PDF)
To revise the existing risk-based capital framework to enhance its risk sensitivity (comments due January 18, 2006).
Press release and notice
Interpretation of the anti-tying restrictions in section 106 of the Bank Holding Company Act Amendments of 1970, related supervisory guidance, and an exception under section 106 for financial subsidiaries of state nonmember banks (comments due September 30, 2003)
Press release and notice
To permit financial holding companies to act as real estate brokers and managers
Press release and notice | Extension of comment period (comments due May 1, 2001)
Regarding financial data processing activities (comments due February 16, 2001)
Press release and notice
To establish a "safe harbor" permitting a bank to offer a credit card that can be used to make purchases from a retailer affiliated with the bank (comments due March 13, 2000)
Z 12 CFR 226
Truth in Lending
Prescribes uniform methods for computing the cost of credit, for disclosing credit terms, and for resolving errors on certain types of credit accounts

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments | Compliance guide

Proposed Amendments
To establish new appraisal requirements for "higher-risk mortgage loans" (comments due October 15, 2012)
Press release and notice | Submit Comments
To expand the scope of the ability-to-repay requirement for consumer mortgages and to implement limits on prepayment penalties (comments due July 22, 2011)
Press release and notice
To expand the minimum period for mandatory escrow accounts and implement new disclosure requirements (comments due May 2, 2011)
Press release and notice
To increase the threshold for exempt consumer credit transactions and to adjust annually to reflect any increase in the Consumer Price Index
Press release and notice
To clarify aspects of final rules published on February 22 and June 29, 2010, in the Federal Register (comments due January 3, 2011)
Press release and notice
To enhance consumer protections and disclosures for home mortgage transactions as part of the second phase of a comprehensive review (comments due December 23, 2010)
Press release and notice
To revise the escrow account requirements for higher-priced mortgage loans (comments due October 25, 2010)
Press release and notice
To protect credit card users from unreasonable penalty fees and to require credit card issuers to reevaluate increases in interest rates (comments due April 14, 2010)
Press release and notice
To protect consumers who use credit cards from a number of potentially costly practices by requiring greater transparency in the disclosure of the terms and conditions of credit card accounts (comments due November 20, 2009)
Press release and notice
To revise the format, timing, and content requirements for the four main types of home-equity lines of credit disclosures (comments due December 24, 2009)
Press release and notice
To revise the rules for disclosures of closed-end credit secured by real property or a consumer's dwelling (comments due December 24, 2009)
Press release and notice
To clarify certain aspects of the December 2008 final rule amending provisions that apply to open-end credit that is not home-secured (comments due June 4, 2009)
Press release and notice
To revise the disclosure requirements for private education loans and implement the Higher Education Opportunity Act (comments due T.B.D.)
Press release and notice
To revise the disclosure requirements for mortgage loans and implement the Mortgage Disclosure Improvement Act (comments due January 23, 2009; comments period extended through February 9, 2009)
Address creditors' responsibilities to establish reasonable instructions for receiving timely payments; their responsibilities when a due date falls on a weekend or holiday; their responsibilities when investigating a claim of unauthorized transactions or an allegation of a billing error; and their responsibilities, when advertising deferred interest plans, to provide additional information about how interest could be imposed (comments due July 18, 2008)
Press release and notice
To protect consumers from unfair or deceptive home mortgage lending and advertising practices (comments due April 8, 2008)
Press release and notice
To improve the effectiveness of disclosures consumers receive in connection with credit card accounts and other revolving credit plans by ensuring that information is provided in a timely manner and in a form that is readily understandable (comments due October 12, 2007)
Press release and notice
To implement provisions of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 requiring new disclosures for open-end credit accounts (primarily on periodic statements and credit card applications and solicitations) and to reopen and extend the public comment period on a review of the open-end credit rules (comments due December 16, 2005)
Press release and notice
Review of the format of open-end credit disclosures, the content of the disclosures, and the substantive protections provided under the regulation (comments due March 25, 2005)
Press release and notice
AA 12 CFR 227
Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices
Establishes consumer complaint procedures and defines unfair or deceptive practices in extending credit to consumers

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments  | Compliance guide

Proposed Amendments
To clarify certain aspects of the December 2008 final rule prohibiting certain unfair credit card practices (comments due June 4, 2009)
Press release and notice
Prohibit institutions from engaging in certain acts or practices in connection with consumer credit cards accounts and overdraft services for deposit accounts (comments due August 4, 2008)
Press release and notice
BB 12 CFR 228
Community Reinvestment
Implements the Community Reinvestment Act and encourages banks to help meet the credit needs of their communities

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments | Compliance guide

Proposed Amendments
To encourage depository institutions to support the Neighborhood Stabilization Program administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (comments due July 26, 2010)
Press release and notice
Interagency notice of proposed amendments to require the agencies to consider low-cost education loans provided to low-income borrowers when assessing a financial institution's record of meeting community credit needs
Press release and notice
CC 12 CFR 229
Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks
Governs the availability of funds deposited in checking accounts and the collection and return of checks

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments
Compliance guide | Compliance with Regulation CC: A Guide for Financial Institutions

Proposed Amendments
To facilitate the banking industry's ongoing transition to fully electronic interbank check collection and return (comments due June 3, 2011)
Press release and notice
DD 12 CFR 230
Truth in Savings
Requires depository institutions to provide disclosures to enable consumers to make meaningful comparisons of deposit accounts

Regulation (GPO) | Recent amendments | Compliance guide

Proposed Amendments
To remove references to Regulation Q
Press release and notice
To clarify certain aspects of the final rule addressing depository institutions’ disclosure practices related to overdraft services and to conform to final Regulation E amendments addressing overdraft services (commernts due March 31, 2010)
Press release and notice
Set forth content and timing requirements for a notice to consumers about any right to opt out of an institution's overdraft service, and address balance disclosures provided in response to balance inquiries from consumers (comments due July 18, 2008)
Press release and notice
EE 12 CFR 231
Netting Eligibility for Financial Institutions
Defines financial institutions to be covered by statutory provisions that validate netting contracts, thereby permitting one institution to pay or receive the net, rather than the gross, amount due, even if the other institution is insolvent

Regulation (GPO)

FF 12 CFR 232
Obtaining and Using Medical Information in Connection with Credit
Creates exceptions to the statutory prohibition against obtaining or using medical information in connection with determining eligibility for credit

Regulation (GPO)

GG 12 CFR 233
Prohibition on Funding of Unlawful Internet Gambling
Requires U.S. financial firms that participate in designated payment systems to establish and implement policies and procedures reasonably designed to prevent payments connected to unlawful Internet gambling

Regulation (GPO) | Press release and notice  | Compliance guide

HH 12 CFR 234
Designated Financial Market Utilities
Establishes standards and procedures related to the supervision of financial market utilities designated as systemically important (effective September 14, 2012)
Regulation (GPO) | Press release and notice
II 12 CFR 235
Debit Card Interchange Fees and Routing
Establishes standards for debit card interchange fees and prohibits payment card network exclusivity arrangements and routing restrictions for debit card transactions (effective October 1, 2011)
Regulation (GPO) | Press release and notice | Compliance guide | Frequently asked questions
JJ 12 CFR 236 (Proposed)
Incentive-Based Compensation Arrangements
Ensures that regulated financial institutions design their incentive compensation arrangements to take account of risk
Press release and notice
KK 12 CFR 237 (Proposed)
Margin and Capital Requirements for Covered Swap Entities
Establishes margin and capital requirements for swap dealers and swap participants
Press release and notice
Proposed Amendments
To reopen the comment period (comments due November 26, 2012)
Press release and notice
To extend the comment period for proposed Regulation KK (comments due July 11, 2011)
Notice (PDF)
LL 12 CFR 238
Savings and Loan Holding Companies
Regulates the acquisition of control of savings associations, defines and regulates the activities of savings and loan holding companies, and sets forth procedures under which directors and executive officers may be appointed or employed

Regulation (GPO) | Press release and notice (effective September 13, 2011, comments due November 1, 2011) | Order Delegating Authority (PDF)

MM 12 CFR 239
Mutual Holding Companies
(1) Regulates the reorganization of mutual savings associations to mutual holding companies and the creation of subsidiary holding companies of mutual holding companies, (2) defines and regulates the operations of mutual holding companies and their subsidiary holding companies, and (3) sets forth procedures for securing approval for these transactions

Regulation (GPO) | Press release and notice (effective September 13, 2011, comments due November 1, 2011)

NN 12 CFR 240 (Proposed)
Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions
Sets standards for banking organizations regulated by the Federal Reserve that engage in certain types of foreign exchange transactions with retail consumers
Press release and notice
OO 12 CFR 241
Securities Holding Companies
Outlines the procedures for securities holding companies to elect to be supervised by the Federal Reserve (effective July 20, 2012)
Regulation (GPO) | Press release and notice
QQ 12 CFR 243
Resolution Plans
Requires large, systemically significant bank holding companies and nonbank financial companies to submit annual resolution plans (effective November 30, 2011)
Regulation (GPO) | Press release and notice
RR 12 CFR 244 (Proposed)
Credit Risk Retention
Establishes requirements for sponsors of asset-backed securities and the credit risk of the assets underlying the securities
Press release and notice
Proposed Amendments
To extend the comment period for proposed Regulation RR (comments due August 1, 2011)
Notice (PDF)
VV 12 CFR 248 (Proposed)
Proprietary Trading and Relationships with Covered Funds
Establishes prohibitions and restrictions on proprietary trading and investments in or relationships with covered funds by certain banking entities
Press release and notice
Proposed Amendments
To extend the comment period for proposed Regulation VV (comments due February 13, 2012)
Notice (PDF)
YY 12 CFR 252
Enhanced Prudential Standards
Implements the enhanced prudential standards and the early remediation requirements mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act for large bank holding companies and systemically important nonbank financial firms (effective November 15, 2012)

Press release and notice

Proposed Amendments
To extend the comment period for proposed Regulation YY (comments due April 30, 2012)
Press release and notice
Miscellaneous Interpretations 12 CFR 250
Interpretations (GPO)  
Capital Adequacy Guidelines 12 CFR 208 and 225
Establish the minimum ratios of capital to assets that state member banks and bank holding companies must maintain. The guidelines for state member banks are contained in appendixes A, B, and E of Regulation H. The guidelines for bank holding companies are contained in appendixes A, B, D, and E of Regulation Y.
Last update: October 11, 2012