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Survey of Program Dynamics

SPD Data Editing and Imputation

This section describes the data editing and imputation procedures applied to data from the Survey of Program Dynamics (SPD) after completion of the interviews. Three different approaches are used for dealing with missing data in SPD:

  • Weighting adjustments are used for some types of noninterviews;
  • Data editing (also referred to as logical imputation) is used for some types of item nonresponse; and
  • Statistical (or stochastic) imputation is used for some types of unit nonresponse and some types of item nonresponse.

Weighting is discussed in Chapter 5 of the SPD Users' Guide.

The section begins with a brief discussion of the types of missing data and the goals of imputation in SPD. It then presents an overview of the editing and imputation procedures used to deal with missing and inconsistent data. Next, the chapter provides a detailed description of each of the major steps used by the Census Bureau when creating its internal files and the files that are released for public use.

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Types of Missing Data

Data Editing and Imputation Goals

Confidentiality Procedures

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Contact: (dsd.survey.program.dynamics@census.gov)
URL: http://www.census.gov/spd/


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