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Disaster Recovery - Overview

Image of U.S. map showing counties with disaster declarations

EDA's role in disaster recovery is to facilitate delivery of Federal economic development assistance to local governments for long-term community economic recovery planning, reconstruction, redevelopment and resiliency.

Following a disaster, EDA responds by first coordinating with its sister bureaus and other agencies engaged in disaster recovery efforts to share information and data on the ramifications of the disaster. In addition, EDA reaches out to its economic development practitioner network (particularly its network of Economic Development Districts (EDD) District Organizations) to collect on-the-ground information on the economic impacts of the disaster event.

Within the context of the National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF), EDA serves as the Coordinating Agency on behalf of the Department of Commerce for the Economic Recovery Support Function (RSF) to coordinate the activities of a diverse group of partner agencies supporting recovery in disaster-impacted communities. The activities consist primarily of leveraging existing resources and authorities to make a positive impact for communities affected by disasters. For example, the Economic RSF can convene teams and deploy multi-disciplinary technical assistance teams from its Federal partners to assist communities. The information gathered from these teams can be shared more readily, providing a clearer and more comprehensive picture of the economic recovery issues. Also, when funding becomes available to support disaster recovery implementation, EDA's role as the RSF Coordinating Agency under the NDRF can be instrumental in identifying opportunities to leverage available resources better in support of community economic recovery.

FY 2012 Disaster Relief Opportunity

Announcement of Federal Funding Opportunity for the 2012 Disaster Relief

The Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration (EDA) can assist communities in addressing long-term disaster relief and recovery needs. Through competitive grants to eligible applicants, EDA's disaster recovery generally falls within three categories:

  • Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance
    • EDA offers financial resources and technical assistance to help develop and enhance economic development plans following a disaster. This is generally achieved through the funding of disaster recovery plans, strategies, and funding for disaster recovery coordinators.
  • Infrastructure Design and Development
    • EDA offers grant funds to support the construction design and engineering, or to support the building of new infrastructure, or the retro fit and expansion of existing facilities to foster economic development to retain or attract jobs to the region
  • Capital for Alternative Financing
    • EDA offers grants to create Revolving Loan Funds (RLF), or to recapitalize existing RLFs, who provide below market rate loans to businesses to help recovery efforts and business expansion/creation.

Congress has appropriated $200 million to EDA to assist with continuing disaster relief efforts. Eligibility is based on two factors:

  • Eligible Recipient to Receive EDA Funds.
    • States or political subdivisions of states (i.e., town, county, etc.)
    • Public or private nonprofit organizations or associations
    • District Organizations (i.e., Economic Development Districts, Regional Planning Commissions, etc.)
    • Institutions of higher education
    • Indian Tribe or consortium of tribes
  • Applicant located in, or on behalf of, a county that received a major disaster declaration.
    • Counties which received a major Presidential disaster declaration during Fiscal Year 2011 (October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011)
    • Go to http://www.fema.gov/disasters to check

Erskine Blog Post

FFO Link

Link for NADO/IEDC/BCLC Webinar (January 2012)

Link for NARC Webinar (August 2, 2012)

Briefing for NARC Webinar (Powerpoint)

National Disaster Recovery Framework

The National Disaster Recovery Framework is a guide that enables effective recovery support to disaster-impacted States, Tribes, Territorial and local jurisdictions. It provides a flexible structure that enables disaster recovery managers to operate in a unified and collaborative manner. It also focuses on how best to restore, redevelop and revitalize the health, social, economic, natural and environmental fabric of the community and build a more resilient Nation.

The National Disaster Recovery Framework is consistent with the vision set forth in the Presidential Policy Directive (PPD)-8, National Preparedness, which directs FEMA to work with interagency partners to publish a recovery framework. It is the first framework published under the Presidential Policy Directive reflecting the core recovery capabilities by supporting operational plans as an integral element of a National Preparedness System. It is a first step toward the PPD-8 objective to achieve a shared understanding and a common, integrated perspective across all mission areas - Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery - in order to achieve unity of effort and make the most effective use of the Nation's limited resources.

For the first time, the National Disaster Recovery Framework defines:

  • core recovery principles,
  • roles and responsibilities of recovery coordinators and other stakeholders,
  • a coordinating structure that facilitates communication and collaboration among all stakeholders, guidance for pre- and post-disaster recovery planning and;
  • the overall process by which communities can capitalize on opportunities to rebuild stronger, smarter and safer.

The National Disaster Recovery Framework introduces six new Recovery Support Functions that provide a structure to facilitate problem solving, improve access to resources, and foster coordination among State and Federal agencies, nongovernmental partners and stakeholders. Each Recovery Support Function has coordinating and primary Federal agencies and supporting organizations that operate together with local, State and Tribal government officials, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and private sector partners.

NDRF Fact Sheet

NDRF Frequently Asked Questions

Post-Disaster Economic Recovery Resources

The issues and consequences of post-disaster economic recovery can be exceptionally challenging. EDA has captured the following resources that may be useful in furthering your community's economic recovery efforts .

Economic Recovery resources for economic developers

Data tools to help evaluate cluster opportunities

Data tools to help evaluate regional innovation capabilities

Post-disaster alternative financing opportunities

Study on regional resilience characteristics and trends

Resource guide for building regionalized resiliency

Community-based resiliency development

Recovery lessons learned and information sharing

*Note: The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Economic Development Administration.

EDA Recovery questions: Contact EDA Public Affairs