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Education Assessment

Personal Finance Standards

For Use by the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta and St. Louis

The personal finance standards in the document were created to direct the educational outreach efforts of the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta and St. Louis. The standards are loosely based on the JumpStart Coalition standards (2nd and 3rd edition), although these standards are significantly changed from the JumpStart ones.

In using the standards, the following should be kept in mind:
No attempt was made to create a comprehensive personal finance curriculum. Some areas of personal finance were omitted due to the fact that the Federal Reserve Banks should remain neutral in its presentation of material.

The standards reflect the set of topics the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta and St. Louis view as important to the personal finance programming of their outreach programs.

While workshops, presentations and materials should focus on these areas, all workshops may not include all topics. Some workshops may include topics which may not be included in these standards should there be a demand for the topic and the topic does not violate the Banks' principle of being an unbiased source of information. All that being said, someone who is exposed to a number of the Banks' outreach programs in personal finance should eventually receive instruction in all of the areas listed below.

Standards with Benchmarks