Results for Whom?

Posted by Daniel W. Yohannes / December 01, 2011

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers the keynote address during the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, South Korea, Nov. 30, 2011. [AP Photo]

Daniel W. Yohannes is the Chief Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).

The Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness took place this week as government leaders from over 150 countries gathered to discuss progress made on donor promises to tackle global poverty. These discussions started with the Paris Declaration in 2004, then the Accra Agenda for Action in 2008 and continued in Busan. Delegates talked about "ownership," "mutual accountability," and "outcomes." Ownership is about countries determining and driving their own development priorities. Mutual accountability means we work in partnership -- as donor and recipient countries -- to achieve development solutions and share responsibility for successes and failures. And as partners, we are committed to delivering tangible outcomes and meaningful impacts -- the ultimate result of any assistance.

Achieving results was a major theme that weaved through discussions at Busan. Results-focused aid is a shared objective. Yet, an interesting set of questions around "how" and "for whom" remains. Who defines results? How are they obtained? Do process results no longer matter? Are we measuring results for donors, for recipients or for both? MCC brings much to the table in terms of putting a results-focused assistance program into practice. As Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said in her speech at the forum's opening ceremony, MCC is a pioneer in measuring results. Some thoughts based on our experience at MCC:

First, how we pursue a results-focused approach matters. Country ownership is bigger and deeper than consultations around a national development strategy. As MCC Vice President Sheila Herrling mentioned during Tuesday's Results Thematic Session, a big part of that ownership is how countries include civil society in results setting and results monitoring, and how countries and donors find ways to share that information transparently and accessibly with the public. During my remarks at the Results Plenary, I stressed that inclusive, country-driven development must embrace the voices of women because we know gender equality is key to development effectiveness. Efforts to more purposefully examine how a results agenda can strengthen country systems and institutions will ultimately lead to better and more sustainable outcomes.

Second, focusing on outcomes and impact is absolutely the right approach. That said, we should not lose sight of monitoring and evaluating policy reforms and intermediate targets, which help us establish the path to outcomes and impact. At MCC, we embrace an innovative "continuum of results" -- tracking, measuring and publicly communicating results along the entire lifecycle of each country-determined program we fund, from inputs, to outputs, to policy reforms, and ultimately to measurable outcomes for beneficiaries. We count interim milestones met along the way because each one brings us a step closer to reaching the program goal. MCC's continuum of results also includes post-program impact evaluations to help us improve accountability, determine if observed outcomes are attributable to MCC's investments and to learn whether programs were designed correctly. Because MCC's continuum of results is built on transparency and critical learning, it becomes a tool for assessing what works and does not work in development and what can be improved for the future.

Third, the question of "results for whom" got a lot of play in Busan. To be accountable to their own citizens, partner countries must answer this often difficult question and demonstrate how development resources are used and what results they achieve. As we discuss our drive for positive results, we must never lose sight of what an actual result means for ordinary men and women around the world. Ayesha Otibo, the chairwoman of a farmer-based organization comprised of 50 female rice processors in Ghana, received training on ways to develop her business and increase crop production. Ghanaian pineapple farmers, like Tony Botchway, used MCC support to seek new markets. Andre Soui-Guidi, a business owner in Benin, is now able to access credit in order to expand his operations and create more jobs for his fellow citizens. At the same time, we cannot and should not ignore the fact that results matter also for the taxpayers of donor countries who, even during these challenging economic times, want to continue funding for development. Our ability to demonstrate that their investments are paying off -- that developing countries are improving governance and democratic rights, assistance is reaching the poor, and investments are yielding positive returns--is critical to sustaining strong development cooperation.

Lastly, international events like Busan tend to focus on what hasn't been achieved. That's fine in terms of accountability and the need to keep progressing toward commitments. But, let's remember the real advancements made, including by the United States. Major U.S. development efforts -- from the multilateral development banks, to Feed the Future, to Partnership for Growth, to MCC -- all emphasize inclusive, country-led, outcomes-focused approaches. For MCC's part, we look forward to continuing our work to break new ground in advancing and innovating on development effectiveness, and putting principles in this area into practice.

Editor's Note: This entry first appeared on the MCC CEO Blog.

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Mark K. in the United Kingdom writes:

Clinton show incredible determination. Keep it up Hillary. :-)

Posted on Mon Dec 05, 2011

Zharkov in the U.S.A. writes:

US taxpayers are never allowed to vote on foreign aid, so the presumption that they support gifts of taxpayer funds to foreign governments while America remains bankrupt is unsupported by evidence or logic.

The secret wealth transfers to foreign banks by the Federal Reserve, without a Congressional vote or presidential protest, raises serious questions about disloyalty of those purporting to be our leaders.

Posted on Fri Dec 02, 2011

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