Special Studies


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Media on ECD

2010 HCRC Fall Conference

ECD Web Sites

Minneapolis Fed and ECD

Early Childhood Education,
Speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, July 24, 2012

Stop Investing in Stadiums...Start Investing in Kids
An interview with Art Rolnick from the Fall 2010 issue of Forefront, the Cleveland Fed’s showcase of policy ideas. Forefront, Vol. 1, No. 3.

Presentation Slides: The Economic Case for Investments in Young Children [PPT]

Video: Arthur J. Rolnick at the Milken Institute,
Excerpt from a panel discussion on Early Childhood Development, Milken Institute Global Conference 2008, Los Angeles, CA, April 28–30

Hardly child's play
Times have been even tougher than usual for district child-care providers
Phil Davies and Rob Grunewald, fedgazette, July 2011

Critical Issues in Cost Effectiveness in Children’s First Decade,
Human Capital Conference Series on Early Childhood Development, December 7-8, 2007

The Economics of Early Childhood Development: Lessons for Economic Policy
2003 ECD Conference

Getting kids kindergarten-ready: A profile of the Minnesota Early Learning Foundation, Community Dividend, 2007, Issue No. 4.

The Level and Distribution of Economic Well-Being, speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, February 6, 2007.

“Although education and the acquisition of skills is a lifelong process, starting early in life is crucial. Recent research—some sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis in collaboration with the
University of Minnesota—has documented the high returns that early childhood programs can pay in terms of subsequent educational attainment and in lower rates of social problems, such as teenage pregnancy and welfare dependency.”

Human Capital Research Collaborative
A partnership of the University of Minnesota and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis to advance multidisciplinary research on child development and social policy.

Early Intervention on a Large Scale
The economic benefits of ensuring good early-childhood development are clear. Now it's time to design and implement a system to do it.
Arthur J. Rolnick and Rob Grunewald, Education Week, Quality Counts, January 4, 2007

Rural Minnesota County Invests Early To Help Kids Succeed,
Community Dividend
, Issue No. 5, 2006.

Building the Economic Case for Investments in Preschool Conference, Convened by the Committee for Economic Development, The Pew Charitable Trusts and PNC Financial Services Group. January 10, 2006
Session 1 Why Care—The Evidence
(Video file: W. Steve Barnett first, then Art Rolnick at 15:44, Isabel Sawhill at 28:40 and James Heckman at 47:21.)

A Proposal for Achieving High Returns on Early Childhood Development
, Rob Grunewald and Arthur J. Rolnick, March 2006 [PDF]

Early Childhood Development on a Large Scale,
Rob Grunewald and Arthur J. Rolnick, The Region, June 2005

Lessons Learned: A Review of Early Childhood Development Studies
, Jean Barr and Rob Grunewald, April 2006 [PDF]

James Heckman on Early Childhood Education, The Region Interview,
June 2005

Early Childhood Development: Economic Development with a High Public Return, Rob Grunewald and Arthur J. Rolnick, fedgazette

Early Childhood Development: Economic Development with a High Public Return, [2,855K PDF]

Early childhood development = economic development,
, March 2003

Government's role in early childhood development, Tobias Madden and Naomi Cytron, fedgazette, September 2003 [PDF]

The Economics of Early Childhood Development: Lessons for Economic Policy

Conference co-hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and the McKnight Foundation and in cooperation with the University of Minnesota October 17, 2003

Other Federal Reserve Banks

The Economics of Early Childhood Development as Seen by Two Fed Economists, Community Investments, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Fall 2007. [PDF]

Early Childhood Development and Economic Growth,
President Jeffrey Lacker, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond,
July 27, 2007

Mind Matter, Region Focus, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Fall 2005

Early Childhood Development Web Sites

Child Care & Early Education Research Connections

Child Development Center, Wilder Foundation

Early Childhood Coalition, Blandin Foundation

Education and Early Learning, Committee for Economic Development

Education and the Workforce, The Business Roundtable

Foundation for Child Development

Human Capital Research Collaborative
Center for Early Education and Development at the University of Minnesota and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Minnesota Early Learning Foundation (MELF)

National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC) Online Library

National Education Association

National Institute for Early Education Research

National Scientific Council on the Developing Child

Ready 4 K, Minnesota's School Readiness Campaign

Strategies for Children: Early Education for All Campaign

The Trust for Early Education

Zero to Three

Federal Reserve Consumer Help