M 'M J J J J J J J J  J  J !  ? @         RN0PRINTVLBLB! Arial"Arial# Arial$ SWISS% Arial& Arial' SWISS( Arial) Arial!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!! !"# $ !% !% !&% &% ! % !&"% #% $!%'&''((!)(*(+) "2@@STYL0Undefined"2@STYL1Undefined"2@STYL2Undefined"2@STYL3Undefined"2@@STYL4Undefined"2@STYL5Undefined"2@STYL6Undefined"2@STYL7Undefined"2 @@STYL8Undefined"2 @STYL9Undefined"2 @STYL10Undefined"2 @STYL11Undefined"2 @@STYL12Undefined"2@STYL13Undefined"2@STYL14Undefined"2NormalUndefined6_  @ @@  * @@@@@@@@@@, @@@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@, @@@@@@ @ @@  @ @  @ @( @  @   @@ ! "!#"$#%$&%'&(')(*)+*,+-,.-/.0/102132435465768798:9;:<;=<>=?>@?A@BACBDCEDFEGFHG(I @  @  @ @J @@  @K@L@M@@NKONPQ @  q@@'K``QM^U. S. Exports of Goods by State, ZIP Code Based, by NAICS-Based ProductU^Code Groupings, Not Seasonally Adjusted: June 2006 and Cumulative to Date, 2006^In millions of dollars. Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) shipments are included in the U. S. total and distributed among individual states^and territories. Separate FTZ total line is for reference only. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. (X) Not applicable. 4^(-) Represents zero or less than 0.05 percent.( ^NAICS-Based Product Code Groupings ^Reexports ^Total ^Manufactured Commodities& ^Non-Manufactured Commodities (1) ^Item ^June ^Cumulative to date ^June ^Cumulative to date ^June ^Cumulative ^June ^Cumulative ^Total ^Percent '  ^Total ^Percent '  ^to date '  ^to date'U.S. Total fffff@fffff@@̂ @U@@r @@ 333333V@ l@'Foreign Trade Zone 3333333 @333333 @Vw$-@fffffff@L@jH<?fffffff@333333@ ffffff @ ̚ @' Alabama 333333@ @pb@?fffffff@ffffff&@돌)Ѫ?3333333@3333333@ @ , @' Alaska ̘@333333@V!I6?fffffff@ٶ@ahCp?@fffffff@ @ @' Arizona 333333@333333C @vGn˰?@̊@:A? @ @ @ @' Arkansas 333333s@< @jg?̬@@*]o?@@ fffffff@ , @ ' ' California  @ffffffv@hb}$@I @ @%O@Y @333333 @ @ 333333@' Colorado @h @,R`?@@)u]t?@@ 333333@ ffffff @' Connecticut  @ @<.?@333333@˩-0?@@ 333333 @ @' Delaware 333333s@l @i99s?fffffff@@ "(-)3333333@@ 333333s@ ffffff @' Florida 333333# @ffffff @э@3333333@Y @*0CYiҋ@@ @ ffffff @ 333333† @' Georgia ffffff @ @JDR@@ @OZ?@ffffff&@ 333333 @ @' Hawaii fffffff@@ "(-)3333333@̘@ "(-)fffffff@@ fffffff@ @' Idaho @ɱ @4G 3Oi?fffffff@@i|`R?fffffff@fffffff@ L@ 333333 @' Illinois 333333 @333333s @aҨ@333333@ @5K:@@@333333 @ ܅ @ ( @' Indiana  @ @ MBқ@fffffff@L@Htvd?L@333333@ ffffff @ < @' Iowa 333333@ @|i?fffffff@̆@۹2 C??@333333@ ffffffƄ@ a @ ' Kansas  y@  @ V} ? fffffff@ @ ]:B? fffffff@ @ ffffff@ ̌ @!' Kentucky !@ @!333333c @!Ȟ[I?!@!3333333@!,h\?!ffffff@!@! 333333 @! @"' Louisiana "ffffff@"P @"4[f2;?"333333@"i @"jA @"@"@" ffffff@" 333333 @#' Maine #@#ffffffƩ@#[*c;?#3333333@#3333333@#4Md?#̬@#@# ̩@# ffffff@$' Maryland $@$ffffffε @$S?$@$@$B=F?$@$@$ l@$ ̤ @%' Massachusetts %@ @% @%#0y [m@%@%ffffff@%ښj?%ffffff@%ffffff& @% ffffff @% @&' Michigan & @& @&X#"\@&@&@&HW%?&fffffff@&9 @& 333333 @& / @'' Minnesota ' @'\ @'Yrq?'@' @'ܼD @'fffffff@'Y@' ffffff @' ffffff @(' Mississippi (333333@(< @(v%I?(@(ffffff@(@9Bf?(@(@( 333333@( 333333 @)' Missouri )ɂ @)333333 @)eD1K?)@)333333s@)AeI?)@)@) ffffff& @) ffffffb @*' Montana *@*@*Pf9ʗ?*3333333@*@*GG @?*̌@*@* @* fffffff@+' Nebraska +@+ffffffv @+ٕ߸?+@+333333@+_b(?+̼@+@+ @+ 333333s @,' Nevada , @,y @,,S "H?,fffffff@,fffffff@,@?,@,٢@, @, ffffff> @-' New Hampshire -3333333@-ffffff @-%?-fffffff@-@-,jS9+v?-@-3333333@- Y@- ffffffv @.' New Jersey .A @. @.Ͻ@.3333333@. @./^fB@.@.333333 @. i @. ffffff @/' New Mexico /@/i @/~-Pi?/fffffff@/@/?9_H\?/@/@/ @/ @0' New York 0333333 @0ffffff# @0G@0333333@0ffffff @0aODYp@0333333 @0\ @0 ̘ @0 333333 @1' North Carolina 1i @16 @1P6 @13333333@13333333@1-?1ffffff@1ffffff@1 ffffff @1 @2' North Dakota 23333333@2`@2\݉' ?23333333@2@2ZL%|?2fffffff@2@2 ffffff@2 y@3' Ohio 3ffffff @3333333 @3 Zk@3@3@38`>?3fffffff@3ffffff& @3 333333 @3 ffffff @4' Oklahoma 4ffffff&@4 @42?4@4ffffff@4u>Vy?43333333@4@4 Y@4 333333 @5' Oregon 5333333@5ffffff @559߻?5fffffff@5ffffff @5z'z@53333333@5 @5 ffffff @5 @6' Pennsylvania 6 @6333333 @6*0,|`@6@6 @6GM.@6@6ffffff@6 ̔ @6 333333 @7' Rhode Island 7@7fffffff@7AP!@L>?7@7@7Ao' Virginia >@>ffffffZ @>K d⹨?>̼@>y@> ?>@>@@> i @> Q @?' Washington ?333333/ @?333333b @?;@?ffffff@?ffffff& @?BQ@?@?ffffffF@? a @? ffffff @@' West Virginia @@@ffffffv @@;u?@@@@@,Vdu?@@@̮@@ 3333333@@ \ @A' Wisconsin A333333 @A @AvKM?A@Affffff@Afw?Afffffff@Affffff&@A @A 333333? @B' Wyoming B3333333@Bfffffff@ B"(-)B3333333@B@Ba?Bfffffff?B@B fffffff@B @C' Dist of Columbia Cffffff@Cffffff֬ @C1z[?C@C@C?C3333333@C@C 333333@C ̜ @D' Puerto Rico D9 @D @DhX?D@D@DY?D3333333@Dffffff@D ffffff @D  @E' US Virgin Islands E3333333@Effffff&@EO7τ?E?E? E"(-)E?E@E 3333333@E fffffff@F'Other FP @Fffffff @Fv=5?Fffffff @Fffffff @FÇ @Ffffffff@F3333333@F p @F * @G' Estimated Shipments GG G"(-)G3333333 @G* @Gw @ G"(-) G"(-)G 3333333 @G * @H' Unreported (2) HP @Hffffff @Hv=5?HL@Hffffff> @H-޻@Hfffffff@H3333333@H ̬ @H 333333) @J'Timing Adjustment  J"(X)J333333s J"(-) J"(X) J"(-) J"(-) J"(X) J"(-) J "(-)J 333333sL'(1) Includes agricultural, forestry, fishery products, mineral commodities, scrap, waste and used or second-hand merchandise. ?M'(2) Includes prior month's revision to exports to Canada. :W_ ArialSWISSHELVArialArialArialHELVArial      O M4!*X,(@"WFay M Johnson/FTD/HQ/BOC Fay M Johnson/FTD/HQ/BOC   "  "Doc Info AuthorDoc Info CommentsDoc Info Creation DateDoc Info Editing TimeDoc Info Last Revision DateDoc Info Last RevisorDoc Info ObjectDoc Info PropertyDoc Info Revisions CountFM3FM3 PropertyLotus:TOOLS:DataRouted RangeRouted Range PropertyWK3WK3 Property  4FH &F "F'CE E'CEEE D E  D !E  DED1EDCEDpE EZEE FE CMHdr4F