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2011 Data Product Changes

2009-2011 ACS 3-year estimates

New Tables

Journey to Work; Workers; Commuting

  • There is 1 new Detailed Table (B08604) that measures worker population for workplace geography.

Journey to Work; Workers; Commuting - New Tables

Table IDNumber of TablesTable Title
Journey to Work; Workers; Commuting
B086041Worker Population For Workplace Geography

Educational Attainment

  • There are 13 new Detailed Tables related to bachelor’s field of degree. These tables are available for the first time as 3-year data products now that 3 years of data has accumulated since the ACS first asked the question in 2009. These tables are already available as 1-year data products. Tables include: B15010, C15010, C15010(A-I), B15012, and B99152.

Educational Attainment - New Tables

Table IDNumber of TablesTable Title
Educational Attainment
B150101Detailed Field of Bachelor’s Degree for First Major for the Population 25 Years and Over
C150101Field of Bachelor’s Degree for First Major for the Population 25 Years and Over
C15010A 9 Field of Bachelor’s Degree for First Major for the Population 25 Years and Over (Race Iterated)
B150121Total Fields of Bachelor’s Degrees Reported
B991521Imputation of Field of Degree for Population 25 Years and Over

Employment Status; Work Experience; Labor Force - New Tables

  • There is 1 new Detailed Table (B23025) that measures employment status. This new table is a less detailed version of Table B23001. Table B23025 has employment, unemployment, labor force, and armed forces data similar to Table B23001, but it is not broken down by age or gender.

Employment Status; Work Experience; Labor Force - New Tables

Table IDNumber of TablesTable Title
Employment Status; Work Experience; Labor Force
B230251Employment Status For The Population 16 Years And Over


  • There is 1 new Detailed Table (B25028) that measures housing tenure.

Housing - New Tables

Table IDNumber of TablesTable Title
B250281Tenure by Year Structure Built

Modified Tables


  • To maintain consistency with 2010 race categories, there are new iteration groups for the Selected Population Profile (SPP) tables (view list below).
    • American Indian and Alaska Native:
      • Central American Indian tribal grouping alone or in any combination with one or more other races, not Hispanic or Latino
      • Hopi tribal grouping alone or in any combination
      • Mexican American Indian tribal grouping alone and Mexican American Indian tribal grouping alone or in any combination
      • South American Indian tribal grouping alone and South American Indian tribal grouping alone or in any combination
      • Spanish American Indian tribal grouping alone or in any combination
      • Yup’ik tribal grouping alone and Yup’ik tribal grouping alone or in any combination
    • Asian:
      • Burmese alone and Burmese alone or in any combination
      • Nepalese alone and Nepalese alone or in any combination
    • Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander:
      • Marshallese alone or in any combination

Foreign Born; Citizenship; Year of Entry; Nativity

  • The titles for Ranking Tables R0502, R0503, R0504, and R0505 are being modified to more accurately reflect the universe of the tables, the foreign-born population. For example, Table R0502 changed from "Percent of People Born in Europe" to "Percent of Foreign-Born People Born in Europe."
  • The titles for Tables B05001, C05001, B05001PR, B05002, B05003, B05003(A-I), B05004, B05005, B05005PR changed from "...by Citizenship Status..." to "...by Nativity and Citizenship Status...." We posted 1 table shell, B05001, as an example of this change.

Foreign Born; Citizenship; Year of Entry; Nativity - Modified Tables

Table IDNumber of TablesTable Title
Foreign Born; Citizenship; Year of Entry; Nativity
B050011Nativity And Citizenship Status In The United States

Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English

  • Detailed Tables B16008 and C16008 are modified to reduce the number of language categories from 5 (English, Spanish, Other Indo-European languages, Asian and Pacific Island language, and other languages) to 3 (English, Spanish, other languages) for B16008 and 2 (English and other languages) for C16008. In addition, English-speaking ability ("very well" and "less than very well") is added to both tables.
  • Subject Table S1601 adds information about language spoken at home for "Citizens 18 Years and Over."

Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English - Modified Tables

Table IDNumber of TablesTable Title
Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English
B160081Citizenship Status By Age By Language Spoken At Home And Ability To Speak English For The Population 5 Years And Over
C160081Citizenship Status By Age By Language Spoken At Home Ability To Speak English For The Population 5 Years And Over
S16011Language Spoken at Home

Health Insurance

  • The ratio of income to poverty level for several Health Insurance coverage Detailed Tables is now broken out into finer detail. For example, the category "1.00-1.49 of poverty threshold" for Table B27016 is now divided into "1.00-1.37 of poverty threshold" and "1.38-1.49 of poverty threshold." The tables include B27016, C27016, B27017, C27017, B27018, C27018, and S2701.

Health Insurance-Modified Tables

Table IDNumber of TablesTable Title
Health Insurance
B270161Health Insurance Coverage Status And Type By Ratio Of Income To Poverty Level In The Past 12 Months By Age
C270161Health Insurance Coverage Status By Ratio Of Income To Poverty Level In The Past 12 Months By Age
B270171Private Health Insurance By Ratio Of Income To Poverty Level In The Past 12 Months By Age
C270171Private Health Insurance By Ratio Of Income To Poverty Level In The Past 12 Months By Age
B270181Public Health Insurance By Ratio Of Income To Poverty Level In The Past 12 Months By Age
C270181Public Health Insurance By Ratio Of Income To Poverty Level In The Past 12 Months By Age
S27011Health Insurance Coverage Status

Deleted/Removed Table

There are no deleted or removed tables for the 2009-2011 ACS 3-year data release.

2011 ACS 1-year estimates

New Tables


  • There are 9 new Detailed Tables published for racial groups. These tables include additional detailed information regarding American Indian and Alaska Natives (AIAN), Asians, and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islanders (NHPI). These new tables will replace Detailed Tables B02005, C02005, B02006, C02006, B02007, and C02007.

Race - New Tables

Table IDNumber of TablesTable Title
B02014/C020142American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Alone by Selected Groups
B02015/C020152Asian Alone by Selected Groups
B02016/C020162Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (NHPI) Alone by Selected Groups
B020171American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Alone or in any Combination by Selected Tribal Groupings
B020181Asian Alone or in any Combination by Selected Groups
B020191Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (NHPI) Alone or in any Combination by Selected Groups

Journey to Work; Workers; Commuting

  • There is 1 new Detailed Table (B08604) that measures worker population for workplace geography.

Journey to Work; Workers; Commuting - New Tables

Table IDNumber of TablesTable Title
Journey to Work; Workers; Commuting
B086041Worker Population For Workplace Geography


  • There is a new Ranking Table (R1304) measuring the total fertility rate.

Employment Status; Work Experience; Labor Force

  • There is 1 new Detailed Table (B23025) on employment status. This new table is a less detailed version of Table B23001. Table B23025 has employment, unemployment, labor force, and armed forces data similar to Table B23001, but it is not broken down by age or gender.

Employment Status; Work Experience; Labor Force - New Tables

Table IDNumber of TablesTable Title
Employment Status; Work Experience; Labor Force
B230251Employment Status For The Population 16 Years And Over

Modified Tables

Foreign Born; Citizenship; Year of Entry; Nativity

  • To account for change in the nation-state status of the Netherlands Antilles, a variety of data products, including Detailed Tables and the Selected Population Profile, as well as Place of Birth codes have updated codes and sourcing. For the 2011 ACS, Netherlands Antilles is still coded 336 without any alternative names, and the following new codes are being introduced: Bonaire (code 344); Curacao (code 345); Saba (code 346); Sint Eustatius (code 347); and Sint Maarten (code 348).
  • The titles for Ranking Tables R0502, R0503, R0504, and R0505 are being modified to more accurately reflect the universe of the tables, the foreign-born population. For example, Table R0502 changed from "Percent of People Born in Europe" to "Percent of Foreign-Born People Born in Europe."
  • The titles for Tables B05001, C05001, B05001PR, B05002, B05003, B05003(A-I), B05004, B05005, B05005PR changed from "…by Citizenship Status…" to "…by Nativity and Citizenship Status…." We posted 1 table shell, B05001, as an example of this change. The title for Table S0201 changed from "Place of Birth, Citizenship Status and Year of Entry" to "Place of Birth, Nativity and Citizenship Status, and Year of Entry."

Foreign Born; Citizenship; Year of Entry; Nativity - Modified Tables

Table IDNumber of TablesTable Title
Foreign Born; Citizenship; Year of Entry; Nativity
B05001 1Nativity And Citizenship Status In The United States

Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English

  • Detailed Tables B16008 and C16008 are modified to reduce the number of language categories from 5 (English, Spanish, Other Indo-European languages, Asian and Pacific Island language, and other languages) to 3 (English, Spanish, other languages) for B16008 and 2 (English and other languages) for C16008. In addition, English-speaking ability ("very well" and "less than very well") is added to both tables.
  • Subject Table S1601 adds information about language spoken at home for "Citizens 18 Years and Over."

Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English - Modified Tables

Table IDNumber of TablesTable Title
Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English
B16008/C160082Citizenship Status By Age By Language Spoken At Home And Ability To Speak English For The Population 5 Years And Over
S16011Language Spoken at Home

Health Insurance

  • The ratio of income to poverty level for several Health Insurance coverage Detailed Tables is now broken out into finer detail. For example, the category "1.00-1.49 of poverty threshold" for Table B27016 is now divided into "1.00-1.37 of poverty threshold" and "1.38-1.49 of poverty threshold." The tables include B27016, C27016, B27017, C27017, B27018, C27018, and S2701.

Health Insurance - Modified Tables

Table IDNumber of TablesTable Title
Health Insurance
B27016/C270162Health Insurance Coverage Status And Type By Ratio Of Income To Poverty Level In The Past 12 Months By Age
B27017/C270172Private Health Insurance By Ratio Of Income To Poverty Level In The Past 12 Months By Age
B27018/C270182Public Health Insurance By Ratio Of Income To Poverty Level In The Past 12 Months By Age
S27011Health Insurance Coverage Status

Deleted/Removed Tables


  • The 6 Detailed Tables below were removed and have been replaced with Detailed Tables B02014, C02014, B02015, C02015, B02016, C02016, B02017, B02018, B02019:
    • B02005 "American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Alone by Selected Groups"
    • C02005 "American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Alone by Selected Groups"
    • B02006 "Asian Alone by Selected Groups"
    • C02006 "Asian Alone by Selected Groups"
    • B02007 "Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (NHPI) Alone by Selected Groups"
    • C02007 "Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (NHPI) Alone by Selected Groups"

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | American Community Survey Office | Email ACS | Last Revised: October 18, 2012
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