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Southeastern Economic Perspectives

The podcast series features interviews and commentaries examining economic and industry trends within the Sixth Federal Reserve District.

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The Economic Effects of Spring’s Severe Weather
May 2011
The Atlanta Fed's Michael Chriszt, assistant vice president responsible for the Regional Economic Information Network, talks about the economic effects of April's tornado outbreak and the Mississippi River flooding.
Play (MP3 6:30)Transcript

The Beige Book and Southeastern Economic Conditions
March 2011
Atlanta Fed assistant vice president Michael Chriszt describes what regional business contacts reported on the Beige Book about the Southeast's economy. Chriszt is responsible for the Atlanta Fed's Regional Economic Information Network, which supports the Bank's monetary policy role.
Play (MP3 6:24)Transcript

Economic Activity in the Southeast
December 2010
The growing optimism regarding the economy that marked this spring and early summer have tapered off as the southeastern economy appears to have stabilized. Atlanta Fed expert talks about this and other issues regarding the region's economy.
Play (MP3 5:44)Transcript

Oil Spill Impact
August 2010
With the well capped and most of the oil gone, the Gulf Coast is repairing the damage done to its economy, its "brand," and its ecology. This podcast features Atlanta Fed researchers discussing the impacts of the Gulf Coast oil spill on the region and the nation, to date and in the future.
Play (MP3 13:25)Transcript

The Gulf Oil Spill
May 2010
Michael Chriszt, assistant vice president in the Atlanta Fed's research department responsible for the Regional Economic Information Network, discusses the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and its potential impact on regional economies.
Play (MP3 6:59)Transcript

Sixth District Employment Trends
April 2010
Menbere Shiferaw, an economic analyst in the Atlanta Fed's research department, discusses employment trends in the Sixth District.
Play (MP3 7:21)Transcript

Examining the Southeast's Holiday Sales
February 2010
Michael Chriszt and Courtney Nosal of the Atlanta Fed's research department examine how retailers fared during the holiday selling season and what that activity could mean for the economy as the recovery progresses.
Play (MP3 4:56)Transcript

Holiday Sales
December 2009
Laurel Graefe and Courtney Nosal of the Atlanta Fed's research department discuss consumer spending this holiday season.
Play (MP3 4:08)Transcript

State Revenues in the Southeast
October 2009
Michael Chriszt and Shalini Patel of the Atlanta Fed's research department discuss the effects of the recession on state revenues.
Play (MP3 4:46)Transcript

Tourism in the Southeast
August 2009
Michael Chriszt and Courtney Nosal of the Atlanta Fed's research department discuss recent data about tourism and related trends in the Southeast.
Play (MP3 5:57)Transcript

Retail Sales in the Southeast
June 2009
Michael Chriszt and Courtney Nosal of the Atlanta Fed's research department discuss recent data about consumer spending and retail sales in the Southeast.
Play (MP3 8:55)Transcript

Southeastern Employment Trends
April 2009
Michael Chriszt and Menbere Shiferaw of the Atlanta Fed's research department discuss employment trends in the Southeast.
Play (MP3 6:38)Transcript

Employment and the Regional Economy
December 2008
Michael Chriszt, assistant vice president in the Atlanta Fed's research department, discusses the region's economy and focuses on recent employment trends.
Play (MP3 7:54)Transcript

Energy and the Southeast
August 2008
Laurel Graefe and Menbere Shiferaw, analysts at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, discuss rising energy prices and how they affect businesses and consumers in the Southeast.
Play (MP3 7:54)Transcript

Southeastern Economic Activity
May 2008
Michael Chriszt, assistant vice president in the Atlanta Fed's economic research department, discusses economic activity in the Southeast and the tools he uses to assess the state of the regional economy.
Play (MP3 5:18)Transcript

Consumer Spending Trends in the Sixth District
March 2008
Whitney Mancuso, an economic analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta who studies trends in retailing, real estate, and state government, discusses consumer spending trends in the Southeast.
Play (MP3 4:33)Transcript

Examining the Southeast's Water Supply
January 2008
An Atlanta Fed economist and a University of Georgia professor discuss water management in the Southeast and how its allocation and availability affect the regional economy.
Play (MP3 14:37)Transcript

Analyzing the Southeast's Economy
October 2007
Michael Chriszt, director of international and regional analysis at the Atlanta Fed, discusses how Atlanta Fed economists gather and analyze information to arrive at a picture of the regional economy.
Play (MP3 7:37)Transcript

The Gulf Coast: Two Years After Katrina
July 2007
An overview of economic conditions along the Louisiana and Mississippi coasts two years after Hurricane Katrina struck. Participants: Michael Chriszt, Director of International and Regional Analysis and Dave Avery, Economic Analyst, both of the Atlanta Fed.
Play (MP3 7:37)Transcript

Regional Economic Conditions and Consumer Spending
May 2007
A discussion on housing and consumer spending in the Southeast. Participants: Michael Chriszt, Director of International and Regional Analysis and Whitney Mancuso, Economic Analyst, both of the Atlanta Fed.
Play (MP3 5:10)Transcript