Saturday, September 11, 2010

Moment of Silence for Those Lost on United Airlines Flight 175 and at the World Trade Center

9:03 AM 9/11/2001 

Photo Courtesy of Tonythemisfit @ Flickr


Anonymous said...

A Moment of Silence for the American People's Rights and Freedoms which have been taken away and/or infringed upon, all in the name of 'Freedom'.

Anonymous said...

Anon, I noticed you still have the freedom to voice your opinion here.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous....take your petty personal need for attention elsewhere. This post is to recognize heroes, not to give a forum to zeros.

Anonymous said...

Do We (as in "We the People...") have the Freedom to get on a plane without being seen naked or getting groped?

Just because we still have some Freedoms doesn't mean we haven't lost any.

Anonymous said...

Instead of a moment of silence, what about an honest and transparent discussion about airline security that uses logic and treats the American people like adults? That would be a far better use of this blog and a far better tribute.

Ayn R. Key said...

We must always Remember the Lesson of 9/11/2001.

Rosemary Blair said...

My dearest fiend.
We miss you.
We Love you.
Your Children are really growing up.
You would be so proud of them.
Thank You so much for remembering my dearest friend and all those who with with her.