Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Got Feedback?: JFK (Commenting Disabled)

Due to the new Got Feedback? program, we have disabled commenting on this page. This page was part of a pilot program that has evolved and this page is no longer needed. You are still welcome to leave general feedback on our blog, or you can visit our Got Feedback? page and leave specific feedback with a Customer Service Manager from any one of our 450+ airports.


EoS Blog Team


Anonymous said...

Recently passed through security, there was one open lane for tens of people on line. I had to take off my belt and shoes, remove my laptop, everything from my pocket, and had my yogurt taken from me.

What happens when the shoe bomber, or his cousin, gets onto a plane with explosives in his undershirt. Will we then have to take those off as well?

And when someone manages to make explosives out of cotton, will our socks be taken from us?

Total insanity.

TSA officials should be trained to find terrorists. They should be able to look at someone for two seconds and know how much of a risk he poses. And if there are accusations of profiling, so be it.

Anonymous said...

Hi, i believe that there is a lot of opportunity for the TSA/Airport authorities to work with the travellers to significantly improve the security situation.

Do you think that if the authorities educate the travellers then it will be more beneficial for the authiorities to improve the seurity than to hurt it by starting this dialogue. Let me know your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

I just recently went on a vacation and took pictures using my cell phone. Unfortunately, the cable to connect my phone to the computer was missing from my suitcase leaving me no way of getting pictures as well as other important documents from my phone to the computer. I found one of those little papers that says "Notice of Baggage Inspection" and I couldn't figure out why my nail clippers were still there but not the USB adapter for my phone. Was it really such a dangerous object? While the claims paperwork is going to take me forever and a day to get through and I know I am not guaranteed to receive any compensation I am stuck with hundreds of pictures and files that will have to sit on my phone for who knows how long?! Pretty soon we will be forced to buy everything we need at our destination because it will get to a point where just about everything will end up being prohibited on a plane for one reason or another.

Anonymous said...

Your connector cord probably fell out of your bag when it was being screened. So many bags are stuffed to the gills and things do fall out and at a busy bag screening area I can see how that might happen. Most often the things I find on the ground after screening a bag and sending it on it's way are socks. I really don't want someones socks and am not stealing them. It's an accidental incident. I'm not sure that this is the case but I doubt that a screener or baggage handler wants your connector cable.

Anonymous said...

Hi...I took a Jet Blue flight on Thursday May 29 went through security the TSA agents checking boarding passes and ID were the worst. They referred to passengers by religion, i.e Hindu's. All the while talking about there weekend plans and sending text messages. They need to properly trained and respect for others, otherwise people will not take them seriously. If this is our last line of difference....god help us all!

Anonymous said...

Went through JFK Terminal 8 (AA) on June 3 in the afternoon. Presented my drivers license and was told that it was too worn and I would be a selectee. I wasn't allowed to present another ID (passport or Nexus card) because "one failed ID is too many." Interesting because this ID isn't too worn out for any other airports (I fly at least once a week). Why can't I present another valid form of ID at JFK? When my frequent travelor card (Nexus) is rejected at other airports I am given the opportunity to present an alternative ID.
Follow-up: I went to my DMV and they told me they couldn't replace my license because it wasn't worn out enough.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone read the USA Today article about screeners getting badges. I think its ridiculous that the higher ups in TSA think that a badge equals more authority or deserves more respect for that matter. If TSA officials want their screeners to be treated with respect and as figures of authority, they should give their screeners more authority and training and then the respect will have been earned. Stop treating TSA screening like a pilot program. If your "mission" is so valuable then give your "officers" the rank and authority they deserve. That might make a terrorist think twice about where they go and ease things up a little for the rest of us.

MSO TSO said...

Yes we are getting metal badges. We TSO's already had sewn on badges on our uniforms but no one seemed to notice. We are sworn in federal officers deserving of the respect that other federal officers receive. We do not have arrest power and do not carry weapons, but we do have training and responsibility to safeguard the traveling public and their baggage.

Having a metal badge doesn't make us worthy of any extra respect than before we got the badge.

cf said...

As someone who travels for work and passes through JFK on a semi-frequent basis - it is no wonder that TSA is the most hated agency in government.

The screeners are more akin to security guards on a power trip than to police, or federal agents. This agency is so solipsistic - and I'm sure it will only become worse with their new clown outfits and badges.

It can be almost guaranteed that the screeners will not follow the new standards and continue to be derogatory to travelers, and work, much like other minimum wage individuals - slow, inefficient and on their own terms.

The same power trips will continue, despite the danger of giving someone with so little training and so little ownership over their position, so much power.

Anonymous said...

I am so sad!! I just came back to LA from the JFK airport. When I open my suitcase, I found that little notive of baggage inspection and I found that my Calvin Klein bedding sheet was lost but my Calvin Klein pillow cases were still there. Where can I claim my bedding sheet back?? I hate travelling in the United States!!! My valuables are so unsafe!! Even the transportation security administration steal my stuff!!!

Anonymous said...

Each airport is different despite the fact that TSA wanted standardization of rules and regulations. TSA is confusing the public because each airport has different rules.

NO BOOTIES: How do local health departments justify airports that do not provide booties for people who take off their shoes? Do you realize how many contageous foot diseases there are?

Anonymous said...

Yes we make more than minimum wage and even have benefits as Federal employees. If you think we should be paid better to do this job then we both agree, but thinking it doesn't really change a thing. I'm pretty sure the fellow that busses your table after you eat at Wendy's thinks he should be paid better too. Tis life.

Zayin said...

As much as I wish I could post something positive, I find it very hard. I travel in many countries, and the second worst in screening is the United States (right behind Italy), especially when it comes to the international terminal in JFK.
Israel, a country with far more daily security issues than this one, has such a well run security system that it amazes me every time. I always wonder why it can't run this smooth in the United States. This whole liquid thing is utter nonsense, and the only way taking off my shoes will keep me safer is by making me miss my flight, which could therefore save me from a potential terrorist attack on that plane. TSA, I have read stories about how bad your retention rate is. You need to find a police commissioner and ask how it is that police officers stay on the job so long.
I personally think that it is the lack of qualification needed to become a TSA agent that takes the honor out of the employees. If anyone can do it, what is the point? At minimum wage, there needs to be an attraction to the job other than a financial one.
Oh and Mr. Anonymous, whoever you are, do not trivialize someone getting their stuff lost/stolen from bags. I know for a fact that not everything 'just falls out' because I lost $20 out of a roll of $160 one time and that just doesn't fall out. And even if everything COULD be attributed to falling stuff due to overcrowding, that is the TSA's problem and if they cannot handle it they need to find a new method of screening bags or simply chose less to screen!
I appreciate the threats to this country. Those of you in the blogosphere who know who I am will know this. The fact is, I feel quite unsafe with our TSA. The entire program needs a redesign, and fast before something bad happens again and it gets axed for good.

Anonymous said...

We passed through Security en route from PIT via JFK to Argentina. The luggage did not arrive with us and when we finally received it two days later, it had been searched by TSA in a manner so rough that it looked like grizzly bears opened the suitcases not humans. Gifts were torn apart with the packaging scattered and destroyed. A plate from Salzburg, Austria that we had packed to protect it was opened and left open on the top of the items so it arrived shattered. Clothes and personal items were rolled up in little chaotic balls. Can't the TSA employees take the extra few seconds to repack the luggage so that peoples possessions will not be damaged?

Pittsburgh, PA

Anonymous said...

In two unobserved searches in the the last two years I have 'lost' my spare cellphone battery, the case for my digital camera which thankfully only had a pack of playing cards in it, and a bottle of Chanel perfume - although they ignored other bottles and tubes of less desirable cosmetics. It beggars belief that we have to run the gauntlet of poorly qualified TSA operatives to move around the country. Our airline infrastructure used to be a benchmark and the envy of the world. The TSA has turned it into a laughing stock - except petty theft and shoddy management are not cause for laughter.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if passengers from London to JFK get screened at Heathrow? American Airlines has allowed only 1 hour 15 minutes to clear US customs in NY before the connecting flight - the last one of the day. No terminal change - but it seems I either clear customs in London. . . or I sleep at JFK! thanks for all the tips, and any help on this one!

Anonymous said...

I am a Canadian citizen and recently visited New York City on a trip to celebrate my birthday with a girlfriend. When I arrived home I noticed all of the gifts I had purchased, and some of my very own designer hand bags were missing. I was astonished to no end. A weekend away for my birthday was ruined because my belongings were ransacked and deshelved. Also missing was Givenchy perfume, but they did leave the less desirable items in my bag and thankfully all of my clothes. As I proceeded to file a claim for theft, I was advised these items had been removed by TSA. Why in the world would these items place a security risk? Also my question is if I turn my luggage over to someone I expect to get it back in the same condition. If someone can remove items from my luggage without my knowledge whats to say that they can place an item in luggage. In places like Mexico, you pass through security and they review your luggage right in front of you and then you are able to lock your luggage. If passengers are subject to such high security measures shouldn't we feel safe and have some sort of guarantee that our belongings will not be stolen? Or is that too much to ask.