Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Aviation News of the Weird

While sifting through our alerts, we often see stories we have to read twice just to make sure we're not reading the Onion.

There's always crazy stuff going on in the aviation industry, and if you're like us, you love to read about it.



EoS Blog Team

Man Hides Mace Where Sun Doesn't Shine
Not Exactly the Proper Use of an Emergency Slide
Snakes Almost on a Plane
Ticks on a Plane???
Goose on a Plane?
Oooooklahoma, where a naked passenger comes sweepin' down the plane
Fasten your seat...
Excuse Me While I Powder the Passengers
This is not a Good Example of a Binding Agreement
Something Fishy is Going on Here
Standing Room Only
Funny Airport Names from Around the World
Being Treated Like a Dog Might Not Be That Bad...
Why am I in Trouble?
Poor Problem Solving Skills
Fight Attendants
Airport Scanned Chihuahua Sends Bulgarian To Prison


Anonymous said...

While I am not offended, I certainly don't think this is an appropriate use of the blog. You want to move on from ID or other topics? Fine. You want to keep things less formal than a press release? Fine. Heck, I applaud that. But I can get news of the weird anywhere. Give us actual substantive topics to yell at you about.

Very Bad Man said...

11 September 2001: Terrorists hijack planes using boxcutters. Government response: Passengers now searched for anything remotely resembling a sharp object.

22 December 2001: Richard Reid attempts to give himself the hot-foot on board American Airlines Flight 63. TSA Response: Travelers now have to remove shoes at security checkpoints.

10 August 2006: Plotters in London are arrested after they hatch a scheme to make liquid bombs out of Tang (an unpopular breakfast drink) and hydrogen peroxide. TSA response: Travelers no longer allowed to bring their own beverages from home; reasonable-sized toiletries are now banned.

7 July 2008: Some dingbat sticks a can of mace in his butt and tries to get through security.

I don't like the pattern that's been developing. I fear what TSA's response will be this time. I'm also going to buy stock in rubber glove manufacturers and "personal lubricant" purveyors.

isnoop said...

Lighten up, Anon#1. I think stories like this are not only interesting on their own weird merits, but (intentionally or not) they also highlight the official response to such incidents which is a large part of what this blog is about.

Get yourself an RSS reader, skip the headlines that don't appeal to you, and take a chill pill.

Anonymous said...

Bob! Your post from 7/1 just got posted on 7/8!

...and here I thought my posts were taking a long time to clear.


Bob said...

Anonymous said... Bob! Your post from 7/1 just got posted on 7/8!...and here I thought my posts were taking a long time to clear.
,>)July 8, 2008 6:22 PM

Funny. Just in case anybody was wondering, I intentionally gave this an older date so it wouldn't trump any of the newer posts.


EoS Blog Team

Kathy said...

Bob said:
"I intentionally gave this an older date so it wouldn't trump any of the newer posts."

Smart move! Otherwise, you would have been accused of having all kinds of nasty intentions.

Bob, you really seem to understand this new on-line "community" and are trying your best with a tough audience. Thanks for all your efforts! Now, if you could just snag a promotion to Kip's job...

Anonymous said...

Very Bad Man wins for that excellent comment. I LOL'd.

Trollkiller said...

Dang Blogger Bob, don't do that again.... I came this close to missing the mace in the body cavity story.

This has so many punch lines, I will try my hand at a few.

1) I guess that is one way to avoid a prostate exam.

2) *sniff* *sniff* "Dude, try Beano that one brought tears to my eyes"

3) Makes you wonder where he keeps his stun gun.

4) Burning and itching? Try Tucks' Medicated pads.

Does mace really need a "Do not use rectally" label? ..... maybe it does… maybe it does.

Frank said...

Guys lets keep in harmony!!

CBGB said...

sorry isnoop but I'm with anonymous.

This was backdated so it didn't trump? Or was it backdated because you wanted to post somethign and not get hounded for ignoring all the comments on your front page posts? I don't believe blogger Bob unfortuantely even he has lost my respect and trust at this point.

Bob said...

CBGB said...I don't believe blogger Bob unfortuantely even he has lost my respect and trust at this point.July 9, 2008 6:42 PM

If you don't trust any of us, then why do you want us to answer your questions? You wouldn’t believe us anyways.

This is simply something new that I wanted to try out. It didn't warrant a new blog post, so I backdated it and gave it a category on the side bar. Everything doesn't have to be a conspiracy you know. :)


EoS Blog Team

Wintermute said...

CBGB said...I don't believe blogger Bob unfortuantely even he has lost my respect and trust at this point.July 9, 2008 6:42 PM

Bob said...If you don't trust any of us, then why do you want us to answer your questions? You wouldn’t believe us anyways.

Bob, you took the comment out of context and quoted just the part that paints CBGB in a bad light. What's up with that?

There's a very legitimate question within CBGB's comment. Why are you posting new entries while continuing to ignore the questions in the two other most recent ones? To me, it is apparent that CBGB's comment shows frustration over that more than anything else.

The stated goal of the blog is to engage the public. We're the public, and we are not being engaged in any real way by the blog team. Your TSOs (or those claiming to be TSOs) engage us more than the blog team does. Of course, on this backdated post of no real substance, you've decided to engage us. I can see how some might read conspiracy into that ;)

Wintermute said...

RE: my last (as of yet unapproved) comment: I should clarify, less there be any confusion. I don't necessarily agree with CBGB's comment, but I certainly understand where he's coming from. The only point I'd take blogger Bob to task over is quoting out of context. I thought the blog post itself was quite funny, backdated or otherwise ;)

Anonymous said...

you missed giving it the headline "the human skunk?!"

The more you learn about some peoples, the less you want to be stuck with them in an aluminum flying tunnel at 10,000 feet altitude.

lol, wow and strange


Tonyoz said...

Put the mace where the sun never shines? That's the end! Lol!

Alejandro A.R. said...

Very interesting topic, thanks.

Alejandro Arco

Honey Singh said...

@this blog
This blog seems to be very interesting,why don't you guys use some social networking tools like rss(feed-burner),twitter etc to enhance your reach.

@all commentators
Quite hot discussions here!!
Please don't mind other as every one have rights to present their thoughts and you are free to condemned them with your own logics.

Jon Rhodes said...

As a hypnotherapist I have noticed that more people seem to be suffering from fear of flying as a result of 9/11. Some light hearted stories just might help chill everyone a bit!

Foraj said...

"Terrorists Evolve. Threats Evolve."
Maybe NOT in this chrise period.
Let's hope so.

habib said...

nice post..
thanks for sharing..

London Forum said...

Unfortunately I think it is almost impossible to stop someone if they really want to harm people.

However, I still think that the remit of a terrorist is to cause terror & they seem to be achieving that in alot of areas without doing anything themselves.

George said...

Why would anyone choose to be offended by having something to smile about? Although I have to say my chair has suddenly become very uncomfortable after reading that story about the mace! Just as well the passenger who let the emergency chute down didn't have any of that stuff with him! Nice post, thank you.

Roseanna Leaton said...

I agree with my fellow hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes, about there being benefit to fosucing upon the light hearted instead of things which increase fear. Far too many people are afraid of flying, and a change of focus with an associated change of emotion is to be welcomed.

Chiro said...

its unbelievable the idiotic behavior of some passengers. in these times it doesn't take much for a response or over-reaction from fellow passengers.

but the mace in body cavity...why oh why?

gttle said...

"The human skunk?!" very terrible thing.

Inga Chamberlain said...

Roseanna and Jon have the right idea. I am a hypnotherapist as well, and have had to treat a person that was suffering with a fear of flying because of 9/11. It is pretty tough for them.

That being said, the 07.23.2009 post "Being Treated Like a Dog Might Not Be That Bad..." is pretty funny. LOL!

Alexa said...

I just read the article you just linked to about the Indian airline. I would totally be upset with the pilots and flight attendants fighting in the cockpit.

I used to fly 4-6 times a week. I try to avoid it at all costs now!

Sunny said...

Yea those staff are annoying, but pilots why would u need to talk to them ?

תוכנות להורדה said...

i think you dead wrong about this issue .

like bad man said :

Terrorists hijack planes using boxcutters. Government response: Passengers now searched for anything remotely resembling a sharp object.

dukes of hazzard horn said...

Mace is a dangerous enough thing to keep on your person, but hiding it in certain cavities is lunacy.
Imagine having to ask the mugger to wait while you take your pants down and fish out the mace.

Marcia at candida cures said...

Well I have fear of flying as well, and it's strange as I'm living on an island where the only proper way to get out of it is by flying...I've actually tried hypnotherapy but it didn't bring me too far...So I'm still cruising the web for solutions and insights...


Chad said...

Man, what the heck is so important with that can of pepper spray that would make that guy try to hide it there!
Just buy more when you land...

Hypnosis Guy said...

The mace sounds short of painful. Why do people feel the need to shove things in the wrong place. ouch.

John R. said...

I think that I know why the mad with the Chihuahua did what he did. I had to fly our dog from Ecuador to the United States once. It was a nightmare. She isn’t a big dog either. I needed more stamps, paid more fees, and had to file more forms for that little thing. It was almost harder getting my dog into the United States than it was getting my wife’s green card. The man’s actions were obviously uncalled for.

Warren said...

OUCH! That can of mace story just makes me wince! I don't even want to think about what he intended to do with it on the plane.

Mr Funny said...

People complain that government should be more 'approachable' and then complain when you are.

I think this blog is a great idea (visibility on the net is the future for government) so forget the naysayers. What's wrong with a little fun and humor in life. Is government banned from being funny?

Anyway... Love the funny airport names. My best: Wuhu Airport, China.

Brendan said...

I like the mace story the best. I think the people that are critical of this blog need to lighten up. Thanks.

chris said...

Very entertaining reading, but like 'very bad man' is alluding to, the government responses are always re-active as opposed to pre-emptive.
However on another tack, what annoys me is that the safety of air travellers should be paramount and in the UK the first full body scanning x-ray machines are being black listed because it might cause offense to some people and might be an infringement of privacy.....well so what if it does, if it saves lives.....its not compulsory to fly so the governments should man up and say if you want to fly then you got to be searched properly and if that means full body scanners then so be it.

Anonymous said...

Can I carry on in my carry on bag body scrub and body butter in containers larger than 3 oz? This is over and above my quart size bag of smaller liquids. They are not liquid.

Vuelos baratos said...

I like the mace story the best. I think the people that are critical of this blog need to lighten up. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Only on-line you can find stuff like this. The mace thing is cracking me up. To many idiots out there, must retreat to the mountains...again.

Jim said...

It is amazing the things that people will try to get away with. It just proves that there is no limit to human stupidity.

April Braswell said...

Hi Tsa,

wow, what a discussion going on. I was just amused looking at the article on the man hiding mace. People are amazingly creative and I'm thinking what a challenge that is for the TSA employees and policy makers then. The mace story I simply found particularly amusing because I have a friend in the business of selling and education law abiding citizens in how to do self defense.

Good luck and thank you for trying to keep us all safe up in the air.


April Braswell

PatNolan said...

Thanks for the interesting stories.

RE: A very bad man. I agree I don't like the way this is headed.

Private Security said...

I agree with the "very bad man" poster above: although all these stories are funny but the pattern is indeed clear and evident. I mean that every time another plot is discovered, the TSA reacts by generalizing and banning everything that remotely resembles the devices of the plot.
What kind of security is this? It's a reaction to the information that some stupid and inept plotters made evident. This following the culprit is outright ridiculous and absurd because they have to eventually ban nearly everything. The ban should finally include flying because that's what all incidents had in common. What happened to the old trusted flight marshal sitting with a gun somewhere in the first class? We do not trust them anymore?

SAVYON said...

I'm no security expert, but I am an expert on common sense. To this date, I just do not understand why the TSA doesn't mandate all employees be trained by Israeli airport security.

Seriously, everyone should experience that level of security. There are no "systems", no "flags", no "patterns" more powerful than a human being trained in the art of psychological evaluation.

Ask anyone who has arrived at BenGurion airport in Tel Aviv: Before any words are even spoken, the security guards peer deep into your eyes, deep into your soul.

If you've never experienced it, it might sound silly, but that is the actual feeling: it feels like they're reading your entire personal history in your eyes.

That being said, I've never had to take my shoes off at Ben Gurion airport.

Guys, they're the best. Just suck it up and learn from them already..

Bani said...

Why would anyone be offended by this? We should smile about it! Although I have to say my chair has suddenly become very uncomfortable after reading that story about the mace! Nice post, thank you.

Bubba Malone said...

I love posts like these, especially the goose one.

I've actually traveled with a goose as an emotional pet before. The domesticated ones are actually very tamed and most people at the airport were surprised by that.

Athlean X said...

Very nice and informative indeed!

David Abbott said...

I think its totally appropriate to provide a lighter side. My wife had a horrible experience with one of those new full-body scanners in the Denver airport recently. I don't know what it thought it found, but she sure was put through the wringer.

Anonymous said...

I like the mace story the best. I think the people that are critical of this blog need to lighten up. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

So glad that I navigated in your page by accident. I’ll be subscribing on your feed to ensure that I can get the latest updates. Appreciate all of information.

Material medico sanitario said...

I think you can handle a little better security on airplanes. My opinion is that with a "history" of our personal life could better control and without causing so much trouble. It is also true that you would think that incurs a "violation of privacy" and entails much expense but is very concerned about the current security situation.

Striderwriter said...

I have a feeling the airlines are going to be a very hot subject in the near future. Probably more so than we are now as we struggle to find a method of heavily screening and reserving personal security. It will be interesting where this leads as national security is a major concern but again so is our personal security

Irina said...

I travel with my dogs a lot. Sometimes I take them when I am flying. I am just afraid that after TSA new rules implemented for people dogs and other pets will be much harder to travel with. Would they have to go through the same machines as we do? Who knows?

Anthony said...

I was a bit shocked after reading the blog about the woman who shot at the plans. I am curious to know why I have never heard this on the news. If it is true then I guess TSA and government authorities have every right to put such inflexible boarding procedures in place. It is very hard to believe they actually released this woman on bond.

Steve Bartoli said...

I am a regular travellor to the States and endorse the stringent travel security all passengers are put through. I get real annoyed when passengers moan! They would be the first to complain about "inadequate security" if something went wrong, that is for sure! Lighten up folks, security measures are there for our safety not to mess us around! Sit back, get a coffee and relax!

Gian Carlo personal development said...

there's no safe of the world whenever we go not even your batchroom are safe, remember that death is like a theft in the night that will just sneak in without notice

steve said...

You know, I've personally felt for years that you can only search so well and that anyone can get anything through security if they try hard enough...just ask any prison guard.

That being the case, the pilot should have a nice "sleeping button" for the plane to knock out the passengers in the event a critical situation develops. Cameras would record everything and everybody got to take a nap.

Who loses that way?

Anonymous said...

crazy is as crazy does let me fly