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Text bulletImage WTO Tariff Schedules

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The national tariff schedules included in this database represent submissions to the World Trade Organization (WTO) at the conclusion of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations.
Please note that these are the official rates legally committed to in the WTO. Tariffs cannot be raised above these unless a negotiated waiver is arranged. However, tariff rates can be, and often are, lower than these "Bound Rates." These are known as "Applied Tariff Rates" and represent the duty that is actually applied to imported products. These rates can change frequently, depending upon the supply, demand, and political situation in each country. Some developing countries also apply a "Ceiling Binding," a single tariff rate for all agricultural products. Applied rates less than the ceiling binding may exist for specific items of interest to that country.
Currently, the WTO has no mechanism requiring the notification of applied tariff rates. The members of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), including the United States, have agreed to maintain updated schedules of applied tariffs on the World Wide Web. The other members are: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua-New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), and Thailand. The site can be found at
It is recommended that firms seek clarification as to the tariff code, description, and applied tariff rate for their product from the customs officials in the country of destination. Importing agents and other business contacts in the foreign country can also be useful in determining these critical pieces of information.

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