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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Resources for Stabilizing Communities

Video Reports

The real estate crisis has left communities across the country struggling to deal with foreclosures, vacant homes, declining property values, and destabilized neighborhoods.

The Federal Reserve, through its Community Development staff located at its 12 regional Reserve Banks and the Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., works to bring together key community stakeholders to identify local problems and explore solutions.

In this series of video reports, we highlight promising stabilization work from three cities: Cleveland, Phoenix, and Detroit.

Introduction to Series: Governor Elizabeth A. Duke

Federal Reserve Board Governor Elizabeth A. Duke talks about how the Federal Reserve System supports neighborhood stabilization efforts in communities across the country and the reasons we produced this series of video reports.

Phoenix, Arizona: Suburban Sustainability

Phoenix reminds us that the foreclosure crisis hit suburban as well as urban areas. The vacant homes here tend to be newer, but overbuilding has left house after house empty in communities unused to dealing with foreclosure issues.

Here public/private partnerships have reached out to realtors to help connect eligible families with affordable homes, with an emphasis on sustainability for the future.

Featured in the Phoenix video:

Additional resources:

Detroit, Michigan: Community Engagement

In Detroit, decades of population loss coupled with the foreclosure crisis has created a pivotal moment in which the city must reinvent itself. The city is partnering with community leaders to bring together thousands of residents to help make the tough choices that will shape Detroit's future.

Featured in the Detroit video: 

Additional resources:

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Last update: January 20, 2012