U.S. Department of Commerce

Industry Statistics Sampler

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Wholesale trade

Guide to Census Bureau Data Sources for NAICS 42
to Data
Title (with link to data) Frequency Geography Contents
  Manufacturing and Trade Inventory and Sales Monthly U.S. Sales, inventories, and inventory/sales ratios
  Monthly Wholesale Trade Monthly U.S. Monthly sales, inventories, and inventory/sales ratios for merchant wholesalers
  Quarterly Financial Report Quarterly U.S. Income, retained earnings, balance sheets, and related financial and operating ratios for the domestic operations of manufacturing corporations with assets over $250,000, and corporations in the mining and trade areas with over $50 million.
  Quarterly Workforce Indicators Quarterly State, county, metro area Employment, job creation, separations, turnover, average monthly earnings
  Annual Capital Expenditures Survey Annual U.S. Capital expenditures for structures and equipment for companies with paid employees
  Annual Wholesale Trade Survey Annual U.S. Sales, inventories, operating expenses for merchant wholesalers and manufacturers s'ales branches, and separately for agents and brokers
  Business Dynamics Statistics Annual U.S., states Number of establishments and year-to-year change in employments for births, death, expansions, and contractions by firm age and employment-size. Sector classification is by SIC.
Direct link to data County Business Patterns Annual U.S., states, counties, metros, ZIP codes Employees; payroll; number of establishments with paid employees by employment size of establishment
  E-Stats (E-Commerce Statistics) Annual U.S. Total sales and e-commerce sales, receipts or value of shipments
  Information and Communication Technology Survey Annual U.S. Non-capitalized expenditures for information and communication technology equipment and software
  Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Annual U.S. Coverage of and enrollment in employer-sponsored health insurance, premium contributions, by company size (published at HHS website)
Direct link to data Nonemployer Statistics Annual U.S., state, metro area, county Number of establishments and sales of firms with no paid employees
  Profile of U.S. Importing and Exporting Companies Annual U.S., states Number of exporters and value of exports by employment size of company for the U.S.; number of exporting companies by state
Direct link to data Statistics of U.S. Businesses Annual U.S., state, metro area Number of firms, employees, payroll, (and revenue, for 2007 only) by employment-size of the enterprise
  Statistics of U.S. Businesses - Employment Change Annual U.S., state, county Number of establishment births, deaths, expansions, and contractions (also year-to-year change in employment by employment-size for states)
  Business Expenses Every 5 years U.S. Operating expenses by type
Direct link to data Commodity Flow Survey Every 5 years U.S., states. metro areas Value, tons, and ton-miles by mode of transport and commodity for shipments originating from selected types of business establishments
Direct link to data Economic Census Every 5 years U.S., states, counties, places, metros, ZIPs Number of establishments, sales, employees, and payroll (see 2007 Economic Census tab above)
Direct link to data Survey of Business Owners Every 5 years U.S., state, county, city, metro area Number of firms, sales, employees, and payroll for all businesses and for businesses owned by females, Hispanics, and major race categories (plus national-only data on veteran status and other owner and business characteristics)
Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  Economic Programs  |  (301)763-2547  |  econ@census.gov  |  Page Last Modified: May 04, 2011