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Fall 2007


Special Topic: Education is the best investment

Special Topic: Stress education, says Atlanta Fed President Lockhart

Special Topic: Katrina's Classroom transcript in Spanish

Special Topic: The second Fed Lesson Plan of the Year contest

Economically Speaking

Money Talks


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Chairman Ben Bernanke Special Topics
Fed Chairman says education is the best investment
Lifelong learning is critical, says Ben Bernanke, in preparing the nation for the challenges of an aging population, advancing technology, and globalization.
Dennis Lockhart New Atlanta Fed President Lockhart stresses education
The new head of the Atlanta Fed says that education is key to making U.S. society resilient to global economic pressures.
Katrina's Classroom graphic Katrina's Classroom transcript in Spanish
The Atlanta Fed's new personal finance curriculum package, focusing on the financial lessons real families learned from the 2005 hurricane, now includes a Spanish translation of the DVD's transcript.
teacher with apple Announcing the second annual Fed Lesson Plan of the Year contest
Attention Sixth District middle and high school educators: Develop a lesson plan using Federal Reserve materials and enter to win!

dollarization graphic Economically Speaking
Understanding dollarization
Foreign countries that seek to stabilize their financial system by choosing the U.S. dollar as their official currency must weigh the costs as well as the benefits of dollarizing.

faces Money Talks
Get started: Put your money in the bank!
Opening a bank account is one of the simplest steps students can take to establish a firm financial foundation and sound money management habits.