Social Security Reform: Links to Saving, Investment, and Growth

Conference Series 41
June 1997
Editors: Steven A. Sass and Robert K. Triest

Conference Papers | About the Participants | List of Attendees


Conference Attendees

Daniel Ahearn
Capital Market Strategies

Liz Alderman
Bridge News

Deborah L. Allinson
Wellington Management Company, LLP

Robert B. Anderson
Executive Office of the President
Office of Management and Budget

Edward D. Berkowitz
George Washington University

Henning Bohn
University of California at Santa Barbara

William C. Brainard
Yale University

Frederick S. Breimyer
State Street Bank and Trust Company

Benjamin Bridges
Division of Economic Research
Social Security Administration

Roger E. Brinner

Lynn Elaine Browne
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Leonard Burman
The Urban Institute

Gary Burtless
The Brookings Institution

Jackie Calmes
Wall Street Journal

Maryann E. Carroll
Wellington Management Company, LLP

Agustin G. Carstens
Banco de Mexico

Karl E. Case
Wellesley College

Johannes Clemens
Deutsche Bundesbank

Paul M. Connolly
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

E. Gerald Corrigan
Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Dora L. Costa
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

J. Dewey Daane
Vanderbilt University

Mary Daly
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Theresa J. Devine
Congressional Budget Office

Peter A. Diamond
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Richard Disney
University of London

Francesco Drudi
The World Bank

Malcolm L. Edey
Reserve Bank of Australia

Robert W. Eisenmenger
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (ret.)

Michael Ellis

Eric M. Engen
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Peter Fortune
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Jeffrey C. Fuhrer
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

William G. Gale
The Brookings Insitution

Jagadeesh Gokhale
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Edward M. Gramlich
University of Michigan

James M. Griffin
Aeltus Investment Management, Inc.

Louis S. Harvey
Dalbar, Inc.

Rebecca Hellerstein
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Charles Yuji Horioka
Osaka University

William G. Hunter
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Masanobu Ishii
Bank of Japan

Estelle James
The World Bank

David Koitz
Congressional Research Service

Laurence J. Kotlikoff
Boston University

Thomas L. Lavelle
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Charles Lieberman
Chase Securities, Inc.

Jeffrey R. Lewis
Heinz Family Foundation

Jane Sneddon Little
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Diane J. Macunovich
Williams College

Joyce Manchester
Congressional Budget Office

Kenneth E. Manella
Social Security Administration

Abel Moreira Mateus
Banco de Portugal

Jonathan McCarthy
Federal Reserve Bank of New York

William N. McDonough
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Cathy E. Minehan
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Frederic S. Mishkin
Federal Reserve Bank of New York

David A. Moss
Harvard Business School

Kevin Muehring
Institutional Investor

Alicia H. Munnell
Council of Economic Advisors

Richard A. Nenneman
Christian Science Monitor (ret.)

Paul O'Brien
Organisation de Cooperation et
de Development Economiques

Kathryn Olson
National Academy of Social Insurance

Scott E. Pardee
Yamaichi International (America) Inc.

Richard Peach
Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Nicholas S. Perna
Fleet Financial Group

Michael Peskin
Morgan Stanley & Co.

Joan Poskanzer
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

James M. Poterba
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Virginia Reno
National Academy of Social Insurance

Harvey Rosenblum
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

John P. Rust
Yale University

Andrew A. Samwick
Dartmouth College

Steven A. Sass
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

C. Eugene Steuerle
The Urban Institute

Elizabeth M. Sylvia
William M. Mercer Inc.

Noriyuki Takayama
Hitotsubashi University

William O. Taylor
Globe Newspaper Company

Robert K. Triest
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Mark J. Warshawsky

Noriyasu Watanabe
Edogawa University

William H. Wrean
Sacajawea & Company

Peter Yoo
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Stephen P. Zeldes
Columbia University

Research Department
Ann Eggleston
Christine Gagliardi
Rebecca Hellerstein
Fabienne Madsen
Maria Mason
Sue Rodburg

Property Management Department
Ralph Ragsdale

Protection Department
Joe Held
Sam Shuman