
Apply for Membership

Application Process

A bank seeking membership should contact the Federal Reserve prior to submitting a final application to allow for the completion of a pre-membership examination, if needed.

Complete and submit application for membership: Form FR 2083A/B/C.

Complete and submit application for Reserve Bank stock: De Novo Form FR 2030 and Nonmember State Banks Form FR 2030a.

Membership in the Federal Reserve

Information about the nature of membership in the Federal Reserve and what you can expect from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City's supervision of your banking organization.

View brochure

Contact Us

Contact us

For additional information or to begin the membership process, please contact:
Jackie Nugent, Applications Manager
Toll Free: (800) 333-1010 x 12462
Direct: (816) 881-2462
Fax: (816) 881-2252
