Americas Center

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Latin American Remittances

Inter-American Dialogue Project on Developmental Role of Remittances

Institute for the Study of International Migration

INSTRAW United Nations

Migration Policy Institute

Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) – Inter-American Development Bank Web Sites:

Pew Hispanic Center

Remittances Studies (MIF)

World Bank’s International Migration and Remittances

World Council of Credit Unions

Research Conference on Remittances and Immigration. November 5–6, 2010

Remittances, the Macroeconomy, and Public Policy. February 21–22, 2008

Regional Trade Agreements, Migration and Remittances With Special Focus on CAFTA and Latin America. Huntsville, Texas, USA, April 12-13, 2008

International Forum on Remittances. 2007

Research and Data:
Remittances, Exchange Rate Regimes, and the Dutch Disease: A Panel Data Analysis. Emmanuel K.K. Lartey, Federico S. Mandelman, and Pablo A. Acosta, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Working Paper 2008-12 (March 2008).

"Remittances and the Dutch Disease." Federico Mandelman (with Pablo Acosta and Emmanuel Lartey), Journal of International Economics vol. 79, no. 1 , September 2009, pp. 102-16.

Remittances and the Dutch Disease. Pablo A. Acosta, Emmanuel K.K. Lartey, and Federico S. Mandelman, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Working Paper 2007-8a (revised August 2009).

Financial Development, Remittances, and Real Exchange Rate Appreciation. Pablo A. Acosta, Nicole Rae Baerg, and Federico S. Mandelman, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review, vol. 94, no. 1, 2009.

Banking on Remittances: Increasing Market Efficiencies for Consumers and Financial Institutions. Marianne A. Hilgert et al. Paper presented at the fourth Federal Reserve System Community Affairs Research Conference, "Promises and Pitfalls: As Consumer Finance Options Multiply, Who is Being Served and at What Cost?" April 7–8, 2005, Capitol Hilton, Washington, D.C.

Remittances Studies (MIF)

Remittances by Selected Countries. 2004. Inter-American Development Bank.

Remittances from the US to Latin American, 2004. Inter-American Development Bank.

The Pew Hispanic Center- Economics/ Remittances Page

The Mexican Migration Project

Inter-American Dialogue Project on Developmental Role of Remittances

"Banking in a Global Market: A Financial Institution Guide for Offering International Remittance Services." Appleseed Immigrant Access to Financial Institutions Project, 2008.

"The Impact of Remittances on Labor Supply: The Case of Jamaica." Namsuk Kim. The World Bank Working paper series 4120, 2007.

"A Gravity Model of Workers' Remittances." Erik Lueth and Marta Ruiz-Arranz. IMF Working Papers No 06/290, 2007.

"International Remittances and Income Inequality: An Empirical Investigation." Valerie Koechlin. Gianmarco Leon Journal of Economic Policy Reform, Volume 10, Issue 2 June, 2007, pages 123–141.

"Migration, Remittances, and the Brain Drain: a Symposium in Memory of Riccardo Faini—an Introduction." Jaime de Melo. The World Bank Economic Review 2007 21(2):173–176.

"Remittances and the Real Exchange Rate." Maurizio Bussolo, Luis Molina, Humberto Lopez. Policy Research Working Paper Series 4213, The World Bank 2007.

"The Impact of Remittances on Poverty and Human Capital: Evidence from Latin American Household Surveys." Pablo Acosta, Pablo Fajnzylber, and J. Humberto Lopez. Worldbank PS4247, Worldbank 2007.

"Brain Drain, Brain Circulation, Remittances and Development: Prospects for the Caribbean." Laura Ritchie. Carleton University–Centre for Trade Policy and Law, June, 2007, Caribbean Working Paper, No. 2.

"The Tale of Three Amigos: Remittances, Exchange Rates and Money Demand in Mexico." Carlos Vargas Sam Houston State University–College of Business Administration Review of Development Economics, Forthcoming.

"Short-run Macroeconomic Determinants of Remittances to Jamaica: a Time Varying Parameter Approach." Dillon Alleyne Claremont Kirton, Georgia McLeod, and Mark Figueroa. Applied Economics Letters, 2007.

"Migration, Remittances, Poverty, and Human Capital: Conceptual and Empirical Challenges." David McKenzie and Marcin J. Sasin. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4272, July, 2007.

"Inflation and relative price variability in Mexico: the Role of Remittances." Ulyses Balderas and Hiranya K. Nath. Applied Economics Letters, 2007.

"What is the Impact of International Remittances on Poverty and Inequality in Latin America?" Pablo Acosta, Cesar Calderón, Pablo Fajnzylber, and Humberto Lopez. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4249, June, 2007.

"The Economics of Migration and Remittances Under Globalization." Atif Kubursi. United Nations, 2007.

"Emigration, Remittances and Llabor Force in Mexico." Gordon Hanson. INTAL IADB working paper 28.

"Land Use Changes and Transnational Migration: the Impact of Remittances in Western Mexico." Silvia Hostettler, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2007.

"Sending Money Next Door in Latin America." a book review by the Inter-American Development Bank. August 10, 2005.

"Reforming the Remittance Transfer Market." Beatriz Ibarra, National Council of La Raza, May 11, 2005.

"FedACH Service Speeds U.S.-to-Mexico Remittances." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Financial Update, Second Quarter, 2005.
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"International Remittances: Information for New England Financial Institutions." Mamie Marcuss, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Public and Community Affairs Discussion Paper 2005-1.

"On the Remitting Patterns of Immigrants: Evidence from Mexican Survey Data." Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Cynthia Bansak, and Susan Pozo. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review, Volume 90, Number 1, 2005.

"Billions in Motion: Latino Immigrants, Remittances and Banking." A report produced in cooperation with The Pew Hispanic Center and the Multilateral Investment Fund.

"The Role of Social Capital in the Remittance Decisions of Mexican Migrants from 1969 to 2000." Kasey Q. Maggard. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Working Paper 2004-29 (November).

"Banks and the Growing Remittance Market." Kasey Q. Maggard. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta EconSouth, Third Quarter, 2004.

"Las remesas de migrantes en América Latina y el Caribe: ¿Una alternativa de desarrollo?" Compendium prepared for the Latin America Economic System (SELA) seminar "Migrants Remittances: An alternative for Latin America and the Caribbean?" Caracas , Venezuela, July 26–27, 2004.

"Current Trends in Migrants’ Remittances in Latin America and the Caribbean: An Evaluation of their Social and Economic Importance." Prepared for the Latin America Economic System (SELA) seminar "Remittances from Migrants: An Alternative for Latin America and the Caribbean?" Caracas, Venezuela, July 26–27, 2004.

"Meeting in the Mainstream." Banking & Community Perspectives, Issue 1, 2004.

"Banking Unbanked Immigrants through Remittances." George Samuels. Communities and Banking, Fall 2003.

"Remittances, the Rural Sector, and Policy Options in Latin America." Manuel Orozco, USAID and BASIS Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP), 2003.

Remittances Conferences (MIF)

International Technical Meeting on Measuring Migrant Remittances. January 24–25, 2005

Payments in the Americas Conference. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, October 7–8, 2004

The Business of Immigrant Markets: Providing Access to Financial Services Conference. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Sept. 29–30, 2004.

Organization of American States Summit of the Americas Secretariat seminar "Remittances Transfers to Latin America and the Caribbean, Issues and Perspectives on Development." July 22, 2004, Washington, D.C.

"Brave New World: Financial Institutions and Remittances to Mexico." Elizabeth McQuerry. International Forum on Remittances 2005, MIF/IDB. Washington, D.C., June 28, 2005.

"Opportunities and Obstacles for Banks in the Remittance Market." Elizabeth McQuerry. Clearing the Path to Hemispheric Growth: Expanding Credit to Create Jobs and Alleviate Poverty Conference, Florida International University, June 4, 2005.

"Presentation for Panel Discussion on Cross-Border Remittance Process." Elizabeth McQuerry. NACHA Global Payments Forum, Prague, September 14–15, 2004.

"Financial Access for Immigrants: The Case of Remittances." Federal Reserve Governor Ben S. Bernanke. Remarks from Learning from Diverse Perspectives Conference at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, April 16, 2004.

"Lowering Barriers to Cross-Border Payments." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta First Vice-President Patrick K. Barron. Remarks from Sumaq Summit, International Business Strategies in Latin America, May 5, 2004.