Patrick de Fontnouvelle

photo of Patrick de Fontnouvelle
Vice President
Risk and Policy Analysis Unit
Superversion, Regulation, and Credit
T: 617-973-3659
F: 617-973-3219
Primary fields of research:
Financial economics

Patrick de Fontnouvelle is a Vice President in the Supervision and Regulation Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.  As head of the Risk and Policy Analysis Unit, Mr. de Fontnouvelle’s work focuses on financial stability issues and on internal risk modeling and capital allocation at large banking organizations.  Mr. de Fontnouvelle's current research focuses divided policy at financial institutions. 

Prior to joining the Bank, he served as a financial economist at the Securities and Exchange Commission and at General Electric.  He has also taught economics at Iowa State University. 

Mr. de Fontnouvelle received his B.A. in mathematics from Princeton University, and his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin. 

  • Publications
  • Education
  • Work Experience
  • Public Service



“Implications of Alternative Operational Risk Modelling Techniques,” with J. Jordan and E. Rosengren, in M. Carey and R. Stulz, eds., The Risks of Financial Institutions, NBER/University of Chicago Press, 2006.

“Searching for Sources of ARCH Behavior: Testing the Mixture of Distributions Model,” in P. Rothman, ed., Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Economic and Financial Data, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.


“Capital and Risk: New Evidence on Implications of Large Operational Losses,” with Virginia DeJesus-Rueff, John Jordan, and Eric Rosengren Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol. 38, no. 7 (October 2006): 1819-46

“How New Entry in Options Markets Affected Market Making and Trading Costs” with Raymond P.H. Fishe and Jeffrey H. Harris. Journal of Investment Management. vol. 3, no. 2 (Second Quarter 2005): 24-40.

“The Behavior of Bid-Ask Spreads and Volume in Options Markets During the Listings Competition in 1999,” with Raymond P.H. Fishe, and Jeffrey H. Harris. Journal of Finance. vol. 58 no. 6 (December 2003): 2437-2464.

“Transaction Costs and the Present-Value Puzzle of Farmland Prices,” with Sergio Lence. Southern Economic Journal. (2002).

“Information Dynamics in Financial Markets.” Macroeconomic Dynamics. (2001).

“Expectational Stability in Monetary Economies,” with William Brock. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. (2000).

Working papers

Capital and Risk: New Evidence on Implications of Large Operational Losses,” with Virginia DeJesus-Rueff, John Jordan, and Eric Rosengren. FRB Boston Series, paper no. 03-5 (2003).

Measuring Reputational Risk: The Market Reaction to Operational Loss Announcements,” with Jason Perry.


Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1995

B.A., Princeton University, 1987

Work Experience

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Vice President, 2005-
Assistant Vice President, 2004-2005
Senior Economist, 2002–2004
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Financial Economist, 1999-2002
General Electric
Financial Economist, Corporate Research and Development, 1997-1999
Iowa State University
Assistant Professor of Economics, 1995-1997

Public Service

Referee: Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Risk, Journal of Banking and Finance

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