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Paulsen Opposes $4.1 Billion Cut in Troop Funding

Paulsen Opposes $4.1 Billion Cut in Troop Funding

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Erik Paulsen released a statement expressing disappointment in the FY 2009 War Supplemental Conference Report that passed the U.S. House of Representatives last night. 

“It was wrong to cut funding that gives our troops the resources they need," said Paulsen.  "This bill cuts over $4 billion for our troops and uses it to bailout foreign countries like Iran and Syria who are known sponsors of terrorism.” 

The bill reduces troop and defense spending by $4.1 billion from the original House version of the bill, and includes $108 billion in new loan authority for the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with $5 billion to leverage the loans, that can be used by countries like Iran and others hostile toward the United States.

Last month, Paulsen voted for H.R. 2346, the War Supplemental bill, which passed the House with a broad bipartisan majority. In addition to providing $81.3 billion for our troops, rather than the $77.1 in today’s version, the original bill did not contain the language authorizing a $5 billion bailout to the IMF or authorization for the IMF loan authority. 
