
Indicators & Data

We monitor and analyze economic conditions throughout our seven-state region and the nation, including agriculture, banking, housing, manufacturing and financial markets.

Indicators & Data

  • Kansas City Financial Stress Index

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    The Kansas City Financial Stress Index (KCFSI) is a monthly measure of stress in the U.S. financial system based on 11 financial market variables.

  • Manufacturing Survey

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    The District's monthly Survey of Manufacturers provides information on current manufacturing activity in the Tenth District.

  • Low- and Moderate-Income Survey

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    The District's quarterly survey measures the economic conditions of low- and moderate-income (LMI) populations and the organizations that serve them.

  • Agricultural Credit Survey

    Current Survey | Subscribe
    The District's quarterly Survey of Agricultural Credit Conditions provides current indicators of the financial performance of Tenth District agriculture.

  • Agricultural Finance Databook

    Current Survey | Subscribe
    The Kansas City Fed oversees this quarterly compilation of various data on current developments in agricultural finance at both a national and regional level.

  • District Banking Conditions (June 2012)

    Bank earnings remain above 2011 levels, with fewer banks experiencing a net loss.  Loan loss provisions declined from 2011 levels, and continue to be the primary driver behind the increase in earnings. Problem assets declined in the second quarter, with further improvements in the construction & land development (CLD) loan portfolio. Overall, asset quality continues to be a concern though, with noncurrent loans remaining at elevated levels, as problems in CLD and 1-4 family residential portfolios persist.

  • Lending Patterns of Small Commercial Banks (March 2012)

    Nationwide, larger banks have increased overall lending over the past year, while a much larger proportion of small banks increased their small business lending.

  • Regional Economic Indicators

    Charts and data on various local vs. national trends in employment, manufacturing, construction and energy.

  • Regional Asset Indicators

    Metrics that regions can use to better understand their economic assets and to help inform private, public, and nonprofit regional development strategies.
