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Venue: India:
Chennai and Cochin; Sri Lanka: Colombo
Date: February 3-8, 2013

Be a part of the U.S. Multi-Sector Trade Mission to the “3Cs” in South India and Sri Lanka and take the easiest route to meet potential business and government officials to land deals

The United States Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration (ITA), U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service (CS), along with the U.S. Embassy in Sri Lanka, are organizing a multi sector Trade Mission to South India and Sri Lanka from February 3-9, 2013. The purpose of the mission is to introduce U.S. firms to South India’s and Sri Lanka’s rapidly expanding markets for infrastructure, hospitality, healthcare, and environmental and information technologies.

The mission will tour three cities, Chennai, Cochin (Kochi) and Colombo, where participants will receive market briefings and participate in customized meetings with key officials and potential partners. Trade mission participants will also have the option to participate in additional stops in Bangalore and Hyderabad (both in south India), where CS offices can arrange meetings with private sector developers/partners and state/local government officials.

Why India and Sri Lanka

  • As Indian and Sri Lankan developers expand their capabilities and construct and connect new industrial and healthcare facilities, foreign firms often play a major role in design, construction, engineering and management of signature projects in the region.
  • The Indian and Sri Lankan infrastructure and healthcare sector is poised for dramatic growth.
  • The rising expectations of Indian and Sri Lankan citizens for an improved standard of living provides tremendous opportunities for U.S. firms to boost their infrastructure exports in the areas of environmental technologies, IT, and healthcare products and services.

Target Sectors

Target subsectors holding high potential for U.S. exporters include: urban development projects, airport/port development, hospitals and health care, hospitality, cold storage, multi-family residential and townships, educational, telecom, and oil exploration related services and supplies.

Application deadline: November 30, 2012
To apply for this mission, please download and complete the trade mission application and send via email to Aileen.Nandi@trade.gov

For enquiries and more information on the trade mission, please contact

Aileen Crowe Nandi, Commercial Officer
San Jose (Silicon Valley) Export Assistance Center
55 S. Market Street, Suite 1040
San Jose, CA 95113
Email: Aileen.Nandi@trade.gov
Tel: (408) 535-2757


Mala Venkat, Commercial Specialist
U.S. Commercial Service
American Consulate General
220 Anna Salai
Chennai 600 006
Email: Mala.Venkat@trade.gov
Tel: 91-44- 2857-4293