A Day of Service and Remembrance: Paying Tribute on the Anniversary of September 11

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / September 11, 2012

President Barack Obama, flanked by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, left, and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey, marks the eleventh anniversary of the terrorist attacks at the Pentagon, on September 11, 2012. [AP Photo]

More: Presidential Proclamation | United We Serve

Today, President Barack Obama delivered remarks at the Pentagon Memorial Service in Remembrance of 9/11. President Obama said, "Today we remember a day that began like so many others. There were rides to school and commutes to work, early flights and familiar routines, quick hugs and quiet moments. It was a day like this one -- a clear blue sky, but a sky that would soon be filled with clouds of smoke and prayers of a nation shaken to its core.

"Even now, all these years later, it is easy for those of us who lived through that day to close our eyes and to find ourselves back there -- and back here -- back when grief crashed over us like an awful wave, when Americans everywhere held each other tight, seeking the reassurance that the world we knew wasn't crumbling under our feet.

"Eleven times we have marked another September 11th come and gone. Eleven times, we have paused in remembrance, in reflection, in unity and in purpose."

The President continued, "But no matter how many years pass, no matter how many times we come together on this hallowed ground, know this -- that you will never be alone. Your loved ones will never be forgotten. They will endure in the hearts of our nation, because through their sacrifice, they helped us make the America we are today -- an America that has emerged even stronger.

"Most of the Americans we lost that day had never considered the possibility that a small band of terrorists halfway around the world could do us such harm. Most had never heard the name al Qaeda. And yet, it's because of their sacrifice that we've come together and dealt a crippling blow to the organization that brought evil to our shores. Al Qaeda's leadership has been devastated and Osama bin Laden will never threaten us again. Our country is safer and our people are resilient."

President Obama continued, "This anniversary allows us to renew our faith that even the darkest night gives way to a brighter dawn. Today, we can come here to the Pentagon, and touch these names and kneel beside a building where a single stone still bears the scars of that fire. We can visit the field of honor in Pennsylvania and remember the heroes who made it sacred. We can see water cascading into the footprints of the Twin Towers, and gaze up at a new tower rising above the New York skyline."

In closing, the President said, "So as painful as this day is and always will be, it leaves us with a lesson that no single event can ever destroy who we are. No act of terrorism can ever change what we stand for. Instead, we recommit ourselves to the values that we believe in, holding firmly, without wavering, to the hope that we confess.

"That's the commitment that we reaffirm today. And that's why, when the history books are written, the true legacy of 9/11 will not be one of fear or hate or division. It will be a safer world; a stronger nation; and a people more united than ever before."

You can read President Obama's complete remarks here.

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Wael U. in Egypt writes:

My Heart With Your Country

Posted on Wed Sep 12, 2012

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