Showing posts with label Charlie Foreman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charlie Foreman. Show all posts

Friday, May 18, 2012

It’s Time to go Scuba Diving - Travel Tips for Divers

Keith Jeffries, the Assistant Federal Security Director from Orlando International Airport (MCO), will be speaking today on the CCR Travel Panel at the Rebreather Forum 3  in Orlando. This forum brings together the foremost minds in rebreather technology from all over the world.

In conjunction with this speaking event, we wanted publish a post on traveling with scuba gear, so we looked within TSA to see if we had any diving experts. That’s when we found Charlie Foreman, a Customer Support Manager in Mississippi. He’s been diving since the early 80’s and instructing since 1985. He began instructing the instructors in 1990 to teach open water diving as well as underwater photography. He’s got over 5,500 dives under his belt and was inducted into Platinum Pro Instructor Foundation as well as the Platinum Pro Diver Foundation.

Enjoy this very informative post! ~ Bob


Before you get on that plane that takes you to an exciting destination, you must first think about how you should pack your dive gear for the flight. Here are some suggestions to make sure your expensive equipment arrives safely to your paradise adventure.

Always pack your expensive dive equipment and accessories in your carry-on luggage.

Always pack any prescription masks with you in carry-on luggage. If you lose this item it could ruin your whole trip.

Always pack your dive computers and regulators in carry-on luggage because these items are sensitive and do not need to be tossed around under the plane by baggage handlers.

Carry any prescriptions with you in your carry-on bag so they will not be lost.

Now that you have your carry-on bag packed, you can pay attention to packing your dive equipment that goes into the baggage area of the plane.

Pack your dive jacket( B.C, Stab Jacket, Buoyancy Compensators) in your dive bag first and place them in the middle of the bag.

Surround the jacket with your fins to protect it during the flight.

If you choose not to carry your mask with you on the plane make sure it is in a protective mask box and it is wrapped with dive skins or your wetsuit to protect it from getting broken. Always carry a spare mask in your bag. Masks are very expensive if you have to replace one on your vacation. Make sure you place your dive knife in your checked baggage and not your carry-on. This item is prohibited on board an aircraft.

Be sure to pack extra fin straps and repair items you might need as well as motion sickness medicines just in case. It is not necessary to carry weights and tanks with you since all resorts provide tanks and weights with the dive packages.

If you do chose to carry you own personal small emergency air source make sure the valve is out of the cylinder and it can be inspected at your time of departure.

Do not forget the most important item!  Make sure you lock your baggage with a TSA approved lock. This will prevent anyone from removing items out of  your dive bags.    

Now…Lets Go Diving…

Guest Blogger - Charlie Foreman
TSA Stakeholder-Customer Support Manager