
Community Development


  • LMI Survey Low- and Moderate- Income Survey

    Current | Subscribe
    This quarterly survey measures the economic conditions of low- and moderate-income (LMI) populations and the organizations that serve them. Results offer service providers, policymakers and others a gauge to assess changes in the economic conditions of the LMI population over time.

  • Consumer Credit Reports Consumer Credit Reports

    Current | Subscribe
    The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City's quarterly Consumer Credit Report provides a snapshot of consumer credit conditions in each of the seven states in the Tenth District.

  • Community Connections Cover Image Community Connections

    Current Issue | Subscribe | Contact Us
    Community Connections is an online quarterly publication that provides information on community and economic development trends across the Tenth Federal Reserve District, including programs and issues affecting small businesses and low- and moderate-income communities.


  • Community Affairs Papers Cover Image Community Affairs Papers

    Current Issue 
    Community Affairs research papers focus on issues affecting economic prospects in low- and moderate-income communities and explore prospective solutions.

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