
Edward S. Knotek II

Edward S. Knotek II

Vice President and Economist
Research Department
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
1 Memorial Drive
Kansas City, MO 64198
Curriculum Vitae 


Ed Knotek is a Vice President and Economist in the Economic Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.  He joined the department in August 2005.

Mr. Knotek received a B.A. in mathematics-economics and Spanish from Denison University. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from the University of Michigan.

Mr. Knotek's research focuses on price dynamics, in particular the causes and consequences of price rigidity and the interplay between inflation and information, and movements in unemployment over the course of the business cycle.

Professional Journals and Books

  • "Convenient Prices and Price Rigidity: Cross-Sectional Evidence" (forthcoming) Review of Economics and Statistics.
  • "Markov-Chain Approximations of Vector Autoregressions: Application of General Multivariate-Normal Integration Techniques," with Stephen J. Terry, (2011) Economic Letters 110(1): 4-6.
  • "A Tale of Two Rigidities: Sticky Prices in a Sticky-Information Environment"
    (2010) Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 42 (8): 1543-64.
  • "Convenient Prices, Currency, and Nominal Rigidity: Theory with Evidence from Newspaper Prices" (2008), Journal of Monetary Economics, 55(7): 1303-16

Economic Review Articles

Research Working Papers
