
Research & Data



Working Papers

  • Research Papers Cover Image Research Papers

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    The Kansas City Fed's research staff members produce working papers covering a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, payment methods, banking and more.

  • Banking Research Papers Cover Image Banking Research Papers

    Current Issue
    Working papers and journal articles authored by Kansas City Fed staff on banking and supervisory issues.

  • Community Affairs Papers Cover Image Community Affairs Papers

    Community Affairs research papers focus on issues affecting economic prospects in low- and moderate-income communities and explore prospective solutions.

  • Payment Systems Reseach Papers Cover Image Payment Systems Research Papers

    Payments System Research staff produces a series of working papers that cover a range of topics, including types of payments methods, developments in payments networks, and various participants' roles in the payments system.

  • Regional Research Papers Cover Image Regional Research Papers

    Current Issue
    Regional research staff produces a series of working papers presenting results of the department's analysis of local economic developments for our Reserve Bank's monetary policy deliberations.


  • Book Cover Image A Guide to the ATM and Debit Card Industry

    This book is a 2006 update that documents industry trends and patterns and discusses their implications.

  • Book Cover Image A Guide to the ATM and Debit Card Industry

    This book provides an overview of the history and developement of the ATM and debit card industry, details the mechanics of ATM and debit transactions, reviews trends in ATM and debit transaction volume and pricing, and discusses industry and public policy issues.

  • Book Cover Image Nonbanks in the Payments System

    This book examines nonbank participation of payments activities and the roles nonbanks play in specific transaction types.
