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January 26, 2012


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past and present Secretaries of Transportation


You are absolutely right, without transportation, this country or economy is not going anywhere!

Secretary LaHood,
I want to encourage you in this battle against distracted driving. My family has lived through the tragedies that have caused us great suffering. My mom, Barb Silk, was rear-ended and crashed into a signal pole in September of 2010 in New Hampshire. She has endured excruciating pain and surgery on her spinal cord as a result of a driver using their cell phone while driving.I could have lost her that day. Five months later my younger sister and I were crashed into because another driver sailed through a stop sign. My sister had 3 months of physical therapy, and I was treated for my hips and back. I am a senior at the University of New Hampshire and want to see my generation Drive against Distractions. This is now my platform as I serve my community and hope to use the audience that Miss NH would bring to battle this epidemic.

Here is an article I wrote in our local news to show how important this fight against distracted driving is...


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