« 2011 DOT Year in Review: FRA creating jobs, building American infrastructure, ensuring safety | Main | Oklahoma City's I-40 Crosstown Expressway relieves congestion months ahead of schedule »

January 05, 2012


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Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization


Thank you very much for posting this interesting article.
As a Calgary moving company I believe that any help that can be given to small businesses, whether it be financially or by educating small business owners to be invaluable.
I believe that small businesses are the backbone of our country and need to be valued and supported.
Thanks again for posting this article I hope you don't mind if I share your article with my co-workers and if I create some link backs to your page.
Thanks again for all the interesting information

it seems a shame that not one of your year-end wrap-ups note any accomplishments in walking/bicycling, either in promoting greater use, or increasing safety at a time when pedestrian and bicycling fatalities rise while motor vehicle fatalities fall.

this article is incredible, i totally agree

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