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January 09, 2012


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at the 2012 Detroit Auto Show


I'm the editor of Cars In Depth and a contributor to The Truth About Cars. I was covering the NAIAS and I want to make a formal complaint about Secretary LaHood and his entourage. After Mr. LaHood was done getting his photo taken with Fiat/Chrysler head Sergio Marchionne, one of Mr. LaHood's DOT security agents rudely shoved me out of his way. No "excuse me", or "please move, sir", just a shoulder to my chest and a shove.

I've been a credentialed journalist for a decade and have interviewed and been around politicians before, including presidents and governors. Governor Snyder of Michigan was at the NAIAS the same day, with a much smaller entourage than Sec. LaHood. I don't think that anyone could seriously say that the Sec. of Transportation has a more important job than a state governor. His security team was not only much smaller than Sec. LaHood's, it was also more polite.

I doubt that this comment will ever get published, so let me just say that Sec. LaHood is generally regarded in the auto industry and by automotive journalists as someone who knows virtually nothing about cars and the car industry.

Ronnie Schreiber
Cars In Depth

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