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January 13, 2012


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it's bigger than a city


It is wonderful the traditional American motor vehicle manufacturers have become recovered from their financial debacle and are now producing better quality vehicles consumers want and need. Hopefully they will have learned from their organizational mistakes.

The Secretary should visit other consumer & industry trade shows such as the Bike New York TD Five Boro Tour Bike Expo & Festival on May 4, 5, & 6. The Festival is at the conclusion of this tour with 40,000 riders. The Expo precedes the TD Five Boro Bike Tour.

Perhaps the Secretary will ride the 40 miles of this tour!

He should visit Chicago's Bike the Drive, May 27th; and Washington DC's “Bike DC, May 13th; as well as other major bicycle rides and events.

An appearance at Interbike, September, 2012, in Las Vegas and at the North American Handmade Bicycle Show would certain bring attention to the importance of producing another form of transportation used by a significant segment of the population in the United States. Bicycles are used every day by residents to:
Commute to work or college (sometimes to K-12 schools);
Efficiently and cost effectively accomplish every errands (“utilitarian bicycling”);
Deliver goods and services;
Tour the cities, suburban, and rural areas of the U. S. A.;
Enhance their health and well being;
Enjoy their locality (recreational bicycling).

The Secretary's appearance at such bicycle events and trade shows might stimulate major bicycle manufacturers to once again produce moderate priced and mass market bicycles in the United States not only specialized or handmade limited production bicycles.

I think it is important that the American auto industry carry this "buzz" from inside the Detroit Auto Show out to the people of Detroit, who have become victims of the way the industry was run in the past. The company's should use the money they save on taxes to start re-creating new jobs that the people of Detroit can fill. I really hope the CEO's start to think about the people that helped get the company's to where they are today, and not about lining their pockets.

growth vehicle would also have caused tremendous pollution, I agree if we use the emission of environmentally friendly fuels. save our earth.

Its about time USA takes measures regarding the fuel consumption. I don't see the point to buy cars with big engines just for the fun of it. Soon we won't have this luxury at our ease.

Auto show is one of the cornerstone Detroit events every year.

While applauding technological advances by the American "Big 3" we should remember that only one of them did not file for bankruptcy protection recently - namely, Ford. Ford invested in producing fuel efficient hybrid cars because it (rightly) saw this as the way of the future, while Chrylser and GM were victims of their short term focus (which led them to invest heavily in the SUV market). That being said, while the Obama Administration's emphasis on so-called "green" technology has its benefits, and will at times be a helpful push in the right direction, that will never be a substitute for companies (like Ford) focussing on long-term growth, rather than solely on short-term profit.

Superb! Great step for future in automobile field and thanks to American Government to focus on that point.Thanks.

Vehicle Technology has improved rapidly.Its a great innovate idea by detroit auto show for devoloping the adaptive vehicles and accessories that can make riding in a car easier for the disabilities.

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