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January 19, 2012


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No it does not encourage students! I am a 54yr old student missing a decent sized part of my brain! Due to go on for my Masters Degree this fall, but am stopped because I cannot get Para transit in Honolulu by a gatekeeper that says today, "...stop trying to discredit my program." I reminded him, the paratransit program is the taxpayer's program, he has now kidnapped me and is holding me hostage in my home refusing me the transportation i need!!! FYI United we ride is a farce put out by the FTA! For a solid three weeks I have tried and tried to get this heard. Yesterday having a coffee with a woman whose paratransit was taken from her. Now her medical carrier pays for her disability transportation! Oh good all the taxpayers will be proud to know of the double billing for transportation! One via taxes and one via the insurance companies now!

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