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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
MEPS Home Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
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Download Data Files, Documentation, and Codebooks
Each data file contains the following:

  • Documentation file contains technical and programming information on how the data were collected and how file variables were edited, as well as survey sampling information and crosswalks from variables to the survey instruments.
  • Codebooks contain a list of variables, their labels, and unweighted and weighted frequencies.
  • Programming statements files and other files including data files in ASCII format.

For programming examples using MEPS data files, go to the SAS programming examples.

Search by: year, and/or data file type, or by variable category
Option 1: Select by year and/or data file type
Data file types to include in search (check all that apply). Click information icon info icon for file details. Click link for full list of file types in category.
Search all data files
Household Component Full-Year file details
Expenditure and utilization data for the calendar year from several rounds of data collection.
Household Component Event file details
Data for the calendar year on unique household-reported medical events.
Household Component Point-in-Time file details
Data for the beginning of the year providing early glimpses of what full-year estimates will likely be.
Household Component National Health Interview Survey Link file details
Cross-walk files that allow merging of Household Component files and NHIS files.
NHEA-Aligned MEPS Projected Expenditure Data File details
Data from the 2002 MEPS aligned with the 2002 National Health Expenditure Accounts and projected annually through 2016.
Household Component/Insurance Component Link file details
Linkage information for the employers of Household Component jobholders who are contacted through the Insurance Component.
Pooled Linkage file details
Person-level file that contains the combined variance stratum and PSU variables for year 1 and year 2 for use with MEPS full-year consolidated files.
Nursing Home Component file details
Documentation for the 1996 Nursing Home Component data files.
Option 2: Search for variables
You can search for MEPS-HC variables and the data releases on which they are located using the Variable Locator Tool for Researchers Using Data Files.

   Page last revised:  April 23, 2010