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March 14, 2012


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Beneath the Throgs Neck Bridge?? When did they move the bridge?

Mr. LaHoods' comments are encouraging; but I would like him to comment specifically on what he plans to do about having an Alumnus appointed as Superintendant of the Academy. Accomplishing this would cost very little time and money relatively speaking and would be a tremendous first step in getting Kings Point back on course. Mr. LaHood, please address this specific issue. "Acta Non Verba"! Thank you in advance for your anticipated reply. Jon H Roethke '59

Being alumni should not be a prerequisite of Superintendent. In fact, perhaps the Academy needs an OUTSIDE perspective ... from someone who is not wed to the old ways, but has seen the world for what it is--an interconnected, global economy with an abundance of talent, purpose, and innovation. Sure, we are an island nation, but so is much of Asia, Australia, Indonesia, the U.K., etc. It's time for fresh leadership, innovative thinking, and a worldly perspective. Very Respectfully,

I am not sure from Mr.Offutt's remarks above that he really understands anything about Kings Point. From the time they are cadets on ships, students are provided a world view that few other educational institutions can impart. After graduation, regardless of the segment of the industry in which they employed, they are exposed to a global view of commerce and industry. From that standpoint, the Academy's next superintendent doesn't need an "OUTSIDE perspective." It does, however, need a leader from the industry, and not from the ivy covered halls of academia and not from the train wreck that Marad and DOT have become. That is the "OUTSIDE perspective" that is needed. What better place to begin looking than the ranks of the Academy's alumni?

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