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February 16, 2012


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It certainly is a great idea to limit the amount of distraction coming to drivers from inside the vehicle. Using hand held devices, or consoles, takes the focus off the highway and that is very dangerous.

However, I think that it is important that we likewise recognize that passengers need no limitations on their access to use personal hand-held devices or consoles. Passengers can be very helpful in helping to navigate by locating addresses, avoiding traffic back-ups, and providing information to the driver and other passengers.

Building in some kind of a jamming system to prevent drivers from using hand held devices also prevents passengers, so that's not really going to work very well. Phone and adjusctive technology are already rapidly evolving towards voice control as the best option while in a vehicle, and I think most drivers will happily adopt this safer option as soon as it is workable.

I suggest you exert your efforts towards promoting this technological solution rather than adding hundreds of "soon to obsolete" pages to the rule books.

Stop trying to regulate every aspect of my life as if the citizens of this country are just taxpaying robots for you to program how ever you want to your liking. There are inherent risk's in everything we do in daily life, but that DOES NOT mean you have the right to take away my PERSONAL LIBERTY OF CONDUCT while i drive!!!!! Have any of you power hungry government nannies ever wondered why libertarian ideals are growing big time in this country? Because people are tired of government constantly trying to forcibly regulate every mundane aspect of every day life. DO NOT try to force carmakers, phone companies, and computer companies to disable MY PROPERTY while i am trying to use it in any manner that i desire. LIBERTY is what made this country great, but it is over regulation that is slowly killing our economy and FREEDOMS.

I have been accused of being an "old lady" driver even though I am not a female. I have had a cell phone for over thirty years and had two very near death experiences using it. Both stimulated by distraction. No real accident occured but it was by just inches that it did not. I applaud these new guidelines. I personally try to limit my time on the phone but even though I know better still let it distract me on occasion.

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