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June 01, 2012


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of the 20th century offers lessons for high-speed rail


What 2 major differences separate the Golden Gate bridge and the Interstate system from High Speed Rail?
Freight shipping and local access.
The Interstates revolutionized both the speed and the flexibility of freight hauling in this country. The Golden Gate did the same for freight going from the Marin peninsula to the San Francisco peninsula. High Speed rail is passenger only. Both the Golden Gate and the Interstates that it became a part of have local, easy access at every interchange. High Speed rail, to really have any speed advantage, must have infrequent stops. It is an urban to urban passenger conveyance. Period.
Those two important differences doom the economic feasibility of High Speed Rail outside of highly congested urban corridors. Running a train hundreds of miles through rural communities and farms that have no use for or access to it serves no functional purpose.
There is another difference between the Golden Gate and the Interstate and High Speed rail. When we built the latter, we had no significant national debt, and we did not have 25%(and growing) of the population trapped in totally nonproductive welfare dependency. Our current debt and welfare burdens make our economy resemble Greece or Argentina, more than the U.S. in the years of our industrial growth. There are other differences. Environmental and regulatory costs and delays, lack of available right of way, the list goes on.

We have a leader with vision with our Secretary of Transportation, Mr. Ray LaHood. He has pointed out that our United States will be stronger and more efficient with a mix of Transportation Options. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles are all necessary to have the finest transportation system in the World.

Let us continue with our High Speed trains that are planned for the future. We in Iowa want to be apart and connected to Rail throughout the United States.
Thank you for your Leadership, Secretary Ray LaHood.

We Thank Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood for the Leadership and Vision he continues to provide for the United States. He has shown us a vision of making the Nation a Leader in the World by having Automobile, Air Travel and Passenger Rail important to all of our citizens.
We in Dubuque, and Iowa, look forward to Passenger Rail, & High Speed Rail becoming a more convenient way to travel. Thanks for your work to make it so. Sincerely, Ed Sheppley

Congratz! I have some photo taken when I was in San Francisco. This made me missing the time I was there. :)

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